flushing live fish


In Memoriam
i work at an lfs and have had someone today comein today who was setting up a saltwatertank ( kinda moving to fast.. he jsut had his first FW 2 weeks ago.. but petco talked him into doing salt) anyways i heard hte guy saying to his friend. " we could get this and when it is to large we flush it " i said " bring it back and well take it from you possiably for a small credit " he said" it isnt worth my time or gas i flushed all my fresh water fish"

i said very mean to him " you flush another fish and you arnt welcome in this store any more"

was i in the wrong saying that to him.

also where do these idiots get off thinking it is ok to flush fish or release them into the wild.. i understand they dont know but even after being told they still dont care
You were far from being an idiot. I would have told him he could not buy fish from the store because of you being afraid the same idiotic fate would happen....love to see how he treats his dog, or cat.
I know it is only a fish but it is still living and this seems pretty harsh to me. It is really sad that he could care so little for something that is living, not to mention something that he probably welcomed into his house for months or years.

I hope your comment made him think later about the respect others have for life no matter how small.
he had each set of fish for aabout a week

first it was tropical freshw ater. then agressive FW then cichlids and now salt.... he is some rich guys kid... what do you expect.. anyways he now is going to a different fishs tore that has a high death rate ( lotsa sick fish) so atleast now the fish will die befor her flushes them
Good for you! People like that don't belong in this hobby, let alone keeping any animal as a pet. That's not the kind of customer you want anyway. A person so shallow like that isn't long for the dedication this hobby requires. Hopefully they'll quit and take up a sport.
I cant believe someone would do that,but then again,there are some cruel idiots in this world.That guy needs his head pout into a toilet,then flushed and see how he likes it.Doesnt even deserve to go to a Petco,now that pretty bad.
You should call the other LFS and let them know what his plans are if he doesn't like what he has. As a matter of fact, call all the LFS in your area and let them know. If it's not worth his time to bring a fish back to you, it won't be worth his time to drive very far to get them from some place farther away.
OMG I am so for you telling him off! I wonder what that guy said at PetSmart to talk him into salt...

Wow man i would of done the exact same thing, i work at a fish store aswell if someone comes in saying that anmd not care after i corrected them i would kick them out.
You were right to say what you did to him. I would of said the same thing and then some. People that flush a fish for whatever reason are heartless but it really takes the cake when you get some ding ding like this that just does not care. People have to understand that when you flush a fish, it burns all the way down. If that fish is alive, it is just plain cruel! Of course, some people will never learn.

If I had the money I would make a huge toilet and flush people like this kid in it. I dont really get super upset when a fish dies but I do mourn the poor thing and I blame myself totally. Ignorance is not an excuse, the information is out there and it seems to me he is just ignoring it. You are totally right in doing what you did. There is no reason to sell perfectly healthy fish to someone that is just going to flush them down the toilet alive. :bum:
last time i sold him a sick fish and told him the ick spots were a rare coloration. the fish was gonna die anyways so might as well get somthing from it . atleast i know the fish was disposed of properly
you didn't say anything wrong, unless you wanted more of his money.

someone once told me that 75% of people who are convicted of murder, assualt and battery, or being inhumane to humans also had a record of being cruel to animals.
Seems simple i guess, if you don't respect the life of an animal why would you of a human
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8135753#post8135753 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SoS125
should have tossed a lionfish at him and yelled "FLUSH THAT!"


Or one of those rare octo's that could take down a moose