FMAS Calendar


Active member
With a great idea from Jessp we are trying to make a FMAS calendar for 2008. Each month we would like to have a submission from "YOU" the club of a picture of one of your fish, corals or your tank. These pictures will be voted on and then the best 12 will be in the calendar. So please post your pics here and good luck to all. We will be voting at this months meeting so all pics must be in by the 27th of NOV.
Ok oK time to pull out the underwater pic box! Will get some new pics soon.

Ok oK time to pull out the underwater pic box! Will get some new pics soon.

When it does happen i can certaily sell some around work and so forth that would def help with club income.


Hey Jo
I think the pics should be of ''Full Tank Shots''
Manny, Jeff, or Rogger could fill a calender with livestock individual pics 3 times over.
I have seen many other club members tank and they look awesome, but we barely hear about them.
This might be a good way to get them to show off thier master pieces.
Also it's harder for the average joe to get really good individual livestock pics (close ups) due to whatever reason...usually it's for poor skills. FTS tend to be easier to get even if you are a rookie with the camera (like me)
Just my 0.2 cents
The question here-Joe Pls help

Is this a bis venture to obtain some funds for the club?
Cause if it is perhaps Mrs. Kat or Jeff can take some pro pics and make into a pro calendar for reef aficionados.

I know I've paid some $ for siwmsuit and other calendars just out of curiosityLOL

BTW last time I sawe Carlos(invert) he was reading a Hialeah police male model calendar.:rolleyes:
actually my ideas was not to have pics from members tanks it was to feature pics from stores tanks. If they have pics featured in the clubs calendar it may motivate them to get more involved in club activities.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11141098#post11141098 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
actually my ideas was not to have pics from members tanks it was to feature pics from stores tanks. If they have pics featured in the clubs calendar it may motivate them to get more involved in club activities.
Jeesp I can get some sponsored money for the calendar 4 sure.

great thought process excellent idea!
lol....Yeah I saw the same calendar at Carlos house.
I like Jess idea, to try and get some stores involved.

But there are a few Marine critter calendars out there already.
Tank pics wether a stores tank or a members tank would be something different that might motivate people to buy these calendars.
Ok...this is a bomb idea.
You wanna sell calendars. Then lets do this....
Pic out 12 of the best tanks around, store or member does not matter at all.
Then we get ''Cubano'' to let his avatar stand in a bikini next to each tank in the photos.

hhmmm....cubano I am just kidding, unless you really are willing. :)
We ( BOD) wanted this to be "our"(FMAS Members) Calendar and came up with the idea of using your pictures that you take and the bottom quarter of the page will have the stores sponsor ad or any pics they want to show.
It's not just about the money. I think it's a nice feeling of winning the contest and a lot of people will be honored having one of their shots immortalized in a calendar.
I would think it would be hard to sell a calendar with just the pictures of the stores/tanks. I've seen some of the pics you guys are capable of and your selling the quality short. some of you have amazing eyes and the shots you take are amazing.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11141098#post11141098 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
actually my ideas was not to have pics from members tanks it was to feature pics from stores tanks. If they have pics featured in the clubs calendar it may motivate them to get more involved in club activities.

BTW again great idea.
You may find that's a little late. Calendars typically get put on clearance right after Christmas. I would suggest a 13-month calendar and try to get it out as close to the start of December as possible. Even if that means selecting a judges panel and selecting images before the next meeting.

Any chance some of the sponsoring LFSs would help us sell them?