FMAS Calendar

Just a heads up, if you all need help putting it together, I do this for a living and can put this all together for you all and make sure its printer ready.

I dont know if you all need work sample or not. Im pretty new here. But I have designed for Ocean Drive, LRM, Las Olas Magazine, International Yatchsman, Whole Foods, to name a few.

Id be glad to help out :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11153117#post11153117 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clockwurk
Just a heads up, if you all need help putting it together, I do this for a living and can put this all together for you all and make sure its printer ready.

I dont know if you all need work sample or not. Im pretty new here. But I have designed for Ocean Drive, LRM, Las Olas Magazine, International Yatchsman, Whole Foods, to name a few.

Id be glad to help out :)

thanks we def will ask for it.

Matt It should take under two weeks at printer
i vote for the lion fish, the sun coral, and the fish in the shell, gasmans fairy wrasses, and pedro's advatar. :P
Of course, Jeff had to come along and steal the show. :)
Great pics, Jeff.

Eric, that shot was taken using an electron microscope. :)

I used my Rebel XT, 100mm macro, tripod, and remote shutter release. I think that shot was an 8 second exposure. It was taken during the night, and every light in the house was turned off except for the VHO actinics over the tank.

I had to do a little color correction in post-processing with photoshop. The camera's attempt at white balance turned the purple tips to a drab blue, so I had to pull some blue out and add pink to get the purple color right.

The coral is actually a GARF purple bonsai. The body of the coral doesn't show any of that greenish hue under daytime lighting, it's more of a light/tan color. The polyps are always bright green. It's still a nice looking coral during the daytime, but it's absolutely stunning under actinics.
Jesus H. is that an amazing shot. I'm going to try to keep those parameters in mind when I go shooting next time. D'oh because I forgot my tripod up at school :(
Hey Jeff,

Which remote shutter release are you using? I just ordered the 100mm Macro lens a few days ago and now you got me thinking about another gadget :)


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11218863#post11218863 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NickInMiami
Which remote shutter release are you using?

It's a Canon RS60-E3, corded shutter release. It was very inexpensive, under $15, but very handy with a tripod. This model works with the XT, but not the higher end bodies. Those make you buy a much more expensive shutter release, I guess the connector is different.