FMAS Calendar

although i have been taking pictures for years, i am fairly new at aquarium pics.
and i must say the LEARNING CURVE is a B!TCH.
much props to jeffbrig for coming up w/ very focused pictures through that curved glass.

the following pictures were not taken by design.
they are mostly setting experiments in my camera, along with lighting variations...
in other words, dumb luck.
most of the pics i took came out pretty badly but i ran across some interesting suprises.

hope you all like.



Obviously I did not see this thread the first time through or I would have had funny stuff to say about the NAMBLA calendars that Manny and Mel share. Anyway, everyone's pics look fantastic, I love the actinic acro. I will try to post a few later.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11277286#post11277286 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invertigator
Obviously I did not see this thread the first time through or I would have had funny stuff to say about the NAMBLA calendars that Manny and Mel share. Anyway, everyone's pics look fantastic, I love the actinic acro. I will try to post a few later.
good one.
Jeff, I agree w Reef Wreak, that Acro is SSSSIIIIIICCCCCKKK!! Wow, how can we compete, that is talent!!

Here's what I got, curtesy of Mike Powell, that's the best I can put out there, my tank w some else's camera & skillz!!



Hey joe just snapped a couple more.
Pending pedromatic's camera skills this is as good as I can do.
Duncanopsamia axifuga

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11323500#post11323500 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Hey joe just snapped a couple more.
Pending pedromatic's camera skills this is as good as I can do.
Duncanopsamia axifuga

Thanks for the vote of confidence, gasman. I hope we can get some nice shots.
Re: Ok oK time to pull out the underwater pic box! Will get some new pics soon.

Re: Ok oK time to pull out the underwater pic box! Will get some new pics soon.


Gasman...are these the Duncans you have posted elsewhere
atm we are in danger of not having one. I am having a hard time getting people to go out to the stores to sign them up. If by weds nothing happens the calendar is going to have to be shelved.
Re: Re: Ok oK time to pull out the underwater pic box! Will get some new pics soon.

Re: Re: Ok oK time to pull out the underwater pic box! Will get some new pics soon.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11327424#post11327424 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr

Gasman...are these the Duncans you have posted elsewhere

I'll let the G-man answer your question himself, however that looks to me like an elegance coral. In fact... it looks like the one that I saw at CRF that I remarked looked so beautiful... :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11362497#post11362497 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
now that you say elegance, I def see it..the blue tips are awesome
true that is an aussie elegance I had a while back.