Looks great! Video yes!
All good Sam I won't be shy and say my wife is my landlord! J/K. We both have expensive habits or hobbies. Mine is the car and reef tank, hers is Napa and Wine.
Again, nice job on the tank. Over time, and growth, you are going to have some amazing looking depth.
Haha, same here. If we didn't have to rent, my wife would be my landlord too. Lol
Those are my same two hobbies - what kind of car?? Side note, where in CA? I used to live in Torrance.
I'm really loving the corals growing out and filing it in. It's s nice sight!
I had similar issues trying to shoot video. I was very aware of my shakiness and lack of focus. I wanted to be 'pro' on the first try! I did several tries and got somewhat better at it. I eventually just settled for the least bad one. Once I got it on youtube, they had a few tools. I used the image stabilizer, which helped.
In the end, it's no big deal. Just some aquarium geeks showing off their tanks"¦
That caulerpa is coming back to haunt you! (balls) There is a small herbivore fish I considered, that might work for your tank. It's called a Green Blotch Parrot. They have them at KP aquatics. Take a look. They might get too big for your tank. Don't worry, it's not a coralavore. Anyway, it might help and they are pretty.
2015 Mustang GT / PP. Outside Sacrament between Folsom and Grant Line.
I used to have a 89 Mustang that I had set up to run @ Sears Point and Laguna Secca at club events. I got rid of it years ago and was just waiting for something to catch my eye. I was leaning towards the Raptor truck believe it or not (more dog friendly). Drove both. In the end picked up the mustang. Fun to drive, can get you into a lot of trouble like most cars today. Long distant driving is actually very comfortable. Did a loop to Vegas, then over to L.A. for a stint in Disneyland, then back home.
On topic again - your tank will look amazing has it grows. You can already see it happening with what you have
I'll check that out, thanks! Sounds awesome.
Clown gobies would be great in your tank! You could probably do more than one. A cherub angel would be risky. Could be another ball-buster. I'm considering a small harem of them for my tank. I was thinking, having each other to mess with might keep them from bothering everyone else. No rush though. Cherubs are a last-fish-added kind of fish.
Yeah - cars are cars, right - outside what we prefer. I always remember the Vette's coming in, checking lug nuts, air pressure, and that was it. Me, on the other hand (89 stang) pulling tires, swapping break pads, etc. You have a good kit there right out of the gate. Also nice car and stance.
Car is stock at the moment. There are some suspension items I'm looking at since that is my thing (Sonoma Raceway being so close and great road course) like coil overs and swapping items with more durable components. Then some minor engine work along the lines of natural aspirated GT350 intake items to stretch RPM band. I already have 3.73 gears so it gets up and go. I am interested in pushing the RPM range now and tweaking the brembo breaks.
Dog. Well, she is my wingman. What can I say. German Shepherd. She is a lot bigger now and really doesn't do well in the front seats. However, trying to get her to stay home is another story! She just likes to go wherever I do and she is spoiled. I'm a bad trainer I guess!
I was trying to find a picture of my tank - will find one and update so I don't derail this more. Apologies!
Yellow huh? Isn't there a yellow acropora? How about a yellow assessor? Mystery wrasse?
What did the knowledgable guy at your LFS say about the cherub?
A lighted cup-holder project? Do you wake up everyday and say to yourself, "what can I make with LEDs today?"
Great video! Rock solid. Love the custom mount. No LEDs? I'm totally ripping that off. We've got 2 or 3 tripods around here. I watched the first 3 CJ vids, which reminds me I want to watch the forth as well.
I'm liking the video format thingy! We should do more.
Your tank looks awesome in the vid too. FTS, close ups, all good! Corals all look happy. Tank needs something more yellow though"¦