Oh! I get it. Kinda like me hand-cleaning each individual seagrass blade!
Hahaha- I feel your pain
"One word of caution-if you have as much luck (and skill!)"
Not sure if I have either of those. lol
Just recently have all my corals been somewhat happy one could say. Nothing grows like a weed yet. The GSP on top of the rock has been spreading decently though.
I decided to spread the polyps all over the place so there would be more color in different places. The torch, which I believe to be a Todds torch, is dead center with better flow to promote the long sweeping tentacles like the guy who sold it to me had going on. We'll see.
One thing I really want is a torch/hammer/frogspawn the size of a melon to put in the corner. lol and a bta to host a breeding clown pair... one of these days!
orchid dottyback is a goner... It somehow pulled a Houdini and vanished...
Nowhere to be found. Not on the floor, not behind the tank, not in the filter, and not dead in the tank....
It was swimming happily last night at 3am by the time I finished setting everything back up, unpacking, and went to bed to completely gone 7 hours later when I checked on everything. Déjà vu back to the two Houdini mangrove snappers I had 6 months ago.
I also noticed that someone is being a dick and the little ghost hermit I have is missing its big claw too!! So, someone is terrorizing the rest while they were in the bucket.
I tore the entire tank apart looking for it... Now everything is set up in the bowfront!
Took me 7 hours to get everything set up how I wanted it. :hmm4:
It surprisingly only took less than 30 min to superglue all the polyps. No fun designs this time.
The biggest pain was the initial siphoning 3/4 of the tank water into every water holding container I owned. lol I had it in my empty 5 gal RO water jug, the 5gal tank, pitchers, cups, the 5gal transport bucket, and the 2gal transport bucket all filled to the brim. splashing and dripping everywhere!
The next difficult thing was to position and glue the current livestock and not letting the torch slime out into the water and everything else drying out.
Lastly, I decided that I would tie up all the cords neatly behind the tank. What a pain figuring out what needed the timer and which strip to plug it in to and tying off cords in a 4 inch gap only one arm fits in. lol
Everything looks good and some of the corals were already opening. Mr. Chromi (Aqua) seems to be on drugs though.. swimming up and down the right wall trying to swim through the glass. Doesn't know what to do with all the room! Snappy is building his infrastructure in the back.
The next thing on the list is the glass hood and Reef Breeders Photon 16" LED fixture, or the Chinese knockoff version. Whichever I can find first on my budget. Then Chaeto for the fuge.
Pics to follow tomorrow afternoon when everything should be fully extended