Folks.... How has your significant other behaved with your obsession?


New member
Hey Everyone,

A little off topic but wanted to read and laugh at other stories of their significant other complaining about a purchase, a coral, or just your obsession with this hobby.

Just for starters to go first basically my wife calls my love of this hobby "you and your pinga fish". Says I talk to much about it and I never leave my tanks alone...(with regards to viewing them). All in all I have to love my wife for putting up with me alot of times especially when it comes to care level I place in my tanks and always tinkering with them...especially when we are in bed and my laptop is tuned into reefcentral or other forums. She threatens to shove me in my tank however possible.. :bum:

Anyhow don't be shy and share a laugh.
some time i think my wife is going to drip bleach to my tank when we argue but she is understanding now this is what i like other then sxx lol
Easy going here, we are both OBSESSED!

In different ways though...I spend money on corals, fish, etc and ask for impossible things. :idea: He builds them and takes the most awesome picures.:love1:

Today, he plumbed in my third frag tank, we are completely rearranging the plumbing, using a Dart to feed all 3 tanks, tommorrow is lighting day....
My wife has put up with my first obsession for years....
Which was reptiles/animals. I have own just about every kind of boa, python, lizard out there even some mammals like monkies.
She put up with everything, even almost getting bit in the face by 4ft boa...
She has been supportive of the change to fishes a lot.
(no chance of getting bit by nemo in the face)
She even likes the more expensive corals so I think I will be in good hands. Plus my 8 month baby boy is super fascinated by the tanks too....

Ps Thanks Andera for the sweet frags!!!!1
Glad you like them Mel, there's more where these came from :)
Grabbed those from the dark tank, as soon as my new frag tank is on line, I'll get more organized.
I have a keeper!

she digs my <)))<


Actinic lights put on a great show....

My living room looks like a giant living black light poster

lucky for me i get her to go half on everything with me :p she's the one who got me into the hobby but i took it way beyond.... she would have gave up by now if it wasnt for me getting online and actually reading how to do things the right way :D
Lately Mine only grouches, when I come home with something we can't afford. But he always gives gift certificates to my favorite LFS for B-days, christmas and other things, and has even convinced my kids to do the same a time or two. They are worse than he is about grouching about my pets. 2 Macaws, 1 Moluccan Cockatoo. Crabs, Turtles, fish both fresh and saltwater. At one point we had several rabbits, finches, doves, cockateils, parakeets, rosy boa. Plus many others I once counted we had over 100 animals. We were rescueing them left and right. But we finally had to stop and have found many of them new homes. And I almost forgot we still have a gecko of some sort.

He actually bought me my 90 setup as a Christmas gift.

It now has everything except a tunze and that is on order. When it comes in, I will have the kalkwasser and calcium reactor, lights are 2 x 400 MH, 4 x 65 PC, 1 t-5 and moonlights with 4 x 120mm fans. I built it but he helped where he could and did 99% of the sanding. I hate sanding. He helped screw it all together. It was a major project sat in the middle of the living room for close to a year while I got it just how I wanted it. He didn't say a word til I told him I was building one just like it for his brother. LOL
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being pet compulsive is not a bad thing...

Besides my 2 tanks I have 4 think this hobby is expensive until you see what your vet bill can look like in one session... :) Pets in abundance in general is an expensive hobby.. I wouldn't trade my family (dogs) for anythig in the world. My wife loves the dogs too but when it comes to doing anything it all falls on me...bleh

I can never say no to this face :)

No problems here. I handle all the technical matters, but she's very much involved in all fish & coral purchases for our tanks. In fact, I recently bought her a 12g nano to stock on her own. :D
My wife and I are both hobbyists. She is very involved in the hobby although sometimes she still can't justify the price of some pieces .
I am lucky to have her!
I also have a Gem! She never questions me or give me faces at all, I wish she was a little more involve but she rathers just watch the tank (don't blame her)
My wife was hard to convince to let me get into a first SW tank. For this reason my first tank was a 6 gallon eclipse. I convinced her it was $70 for the tank, filter and light. Then all I needed was a $15 bag of sand and like $30 in rocks. O' and a $4 damsel. "$30 in rocks what do you have to buy rocks for?"

Then I bought a 12 Gallon nano cube.

Then a 55

another 55

Then I got the 90. I now have a 4' Aqualight. 200 lbs of rock. Corals galore. A purple tang. and...and...and...

She does not know what I spend. Only on the big purchases like the light, and tank and stand. The rest she does not mind. She will let me by $5-15 frags all day long. But if I come home with a $50 coral...well I'd better not.

She really likes having the tank. Except when I went into the hospital for 2 weeks and she had to maintain them. She was hating life feeding, topping off...

But in all she likes that I like them. I have a great wife.
my wife loves how much my daughters enjoy the tank, so im set

... that is until my three year old finds a way to drag the 210 into her bedroom!