Folks with a do you feel about dimensions?

Well I measured up, and 24" deep is really as far as I ca go - and I've been talked out of more than 24" tall by quite a few people.

Bttrflygrl - what configuration are your overflows?

rxinc - sorry, I some how missed your reply! So your overflows are 5x9.

I am really confused now about overflow sizes!!! I have established that the 8x2x2 is the way to go. That is definitely the tank for me. But overflows - part of me says to go for the larger single overflow...... the other part says that the corner configuration is "standard" for a reason.......

Any more input? Thanks guys.

i have to agree charles - i think a 240 that isnt a room divider would be nicer to have 6' X 30" X 2'. that extra front to back space will allow for some really cool aquascaping. if i could have made it work, in fact, i would have gone with a 30" (front to back) for my room divider. it just wouldnt fit cleanly.

for a tank that isnt a room divider, i still like a pseudo cube, like a 48" x 48" x 25" tall.
Also have a 240g (96x24x24) wouldn't think that 2 feet would make a difference, but having an 8ft tank is really nice.

My project is still under construction.

nice looking tank so far - will be nice when lit up etc :-)

Yes, I am looking forward to the extra 2'. I am really a "fish" guy at heart - for me the reef will always play second fiddle - it will ultiamtely always remain a backdrop for my fish...... so the 8' will give greater scope if I want to try something like a large angel (queen or emporer most notably) or something a little large and active like a sohal tang or naso the like.

I have ordered the tank anyway, so it will take about 3 weeks for delivery.

