You should remove the babies from the main tank into another tank with only a thin layer of fine sand on the bottom and no live rock. The reason for this is to keep them away from the parent and to avoid other predators like bristle worms. Bristle worms can grab the young cuttles and hurt them or kill them. You can make a simple rearing tank out of a 5 gallon rubbermaid tub bulk headed and plumbed to your main tank using it as a sump. This will allow you to use the same water they were born in to prevent any shock on the hatchlings. There are pics of my set up some where in back posts.
Keep the ligts very dim on the hatchling tank, bandensis is nocturnal. I would remove them not with a net, but with a clear glass or beaker so they are never lifted out of the water. You need more food asap. Food should be your biggest concern. I would order a case of ghost shrimp. The ghost shrimp are running small this time of year so they will be a good size for the hatchlings. You could also try mysid shrimp, they will cost you a little more. There are several suppliers that sell mysids in large quantity. They are not cheep though.