Foster and Smith clearance sale


Just a heads up - DFS is having a sale on clearance items. It's a smorgasborg of stuff, but some examples:

Tunze 9004 for $77, 9001 for $58
Tunze 6020 for $22, 6040 for $70
Tunze controllabe nanostreams 50% off
Seachem salt (Vibrant sea) $35 for 220gal
Red sea salt (non pro) $14 for 55 gal
Halo basic marine lights $210
IM Ghost skimmers 50% off
Seneye wifi/server $187
aqua medic reef doser evo 4 for $102
BM Curve 5 skimmer $105
Brightwell neomarine salt $35 for 150gal

I'm not advocating any of these, just some stuff that caught my eye. Also some good clearance deals for dogs...didn't check the other pet categories. happy shopping!
Just to let you know -- I'm convinced most of these are mistakes. My friends order was cancelled last night, and as a deal chaser I see this very, very often when someone screws up the pricing.
Just to let you know -- I'm convinced most of these are mistakes. My friends order was cancelled last night, and as a deal chaser I see this very, very often when someone screws up the pricing.

I hear ya. Hopefully not...placed an order, we'll see. Fingers crossed. I'll update if this is cancelled.
Just to let you know -- I'm convinced most of these are mistakes. My friends order was cancelled last night, and as a deal chaser I see this very, very often when someone screws up the pricing.

Would this happen on so many items though? It's not just a few things.
Just looked up Liveaquaria, same price on the bm c5 n c7

Just picked up the c7


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Yeah this happened before with the MP 40 a few people got them real cheap, but they slammed the door on that sale quickly.

I ordered a bunch of stuff,lets see if they will let it happen.