found a deal on CF cards


Alleged Lounge Moron
was in costco today, sandisk CF ultraII 2gb card 19.99
reg 34.99, 15.00 instant rebate at register

if this post in inapropriate, please delete, I thought it was a good deal & wanted to pass the info along.
I don't own costco, or costco stock :D
I don't think it's inappropriate at all, that's where I got my cards from. I may have to go and pick up a few more :)
I wish I had the reciept for the ones I bought a month or so ago for full price, I'd take them back in a heartbeat for the lower price.
nice to have spares at a good price

I meant inapropriate as in violating the commercial clause of that pesky UA ;)
I bought 2 cards at Office Max or Office pro or whatever. They cost a buttload. Then I went to Cosco. Office whatever would not give me my money back. They gave me a giftcard instead.

Anyway, yeah, Cosco, what a deal!
