Got nutrients? The beginning stages of my reef xp...I was proud of my algae isnt that kelp?
And lastly...the very beginning embarrasing shot. I had 2 engineer gobies wrecking havoc. let alone the obvious nutrient issues. The good ole Seaclone is being used for export...what a joke.
If your talking about the last pic...thats the worst one I have. I posted that one on was late 90's. I didnt have a clue back then. I started very blind.
If your talking about the 2nd to last....try to find it, Id like to see yours. I think it looked very cool at that stage.
nope i was talking about the last one. i had an old tnak that was nothing but hair algae and one coral banded shrimp. i just totally gave up on it and let it sit for months. the shrimp somehow lived through it.
yeah i was pretty ignorant back then as well. i'm amazed at how well my new tank is doing. there has been no going cheap on this one and i have kept up on keeping it properly. a huge difference from the last time i tried a reef tank.
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