Foxface paralyzed?? Help Plzz!


New member
Its breathing with gill movement and is just barely floating upright and balanced. It won't swim away from my tongs and its acting limp and lethargic. I did just put the canopy on top of the tank(brand new) and kicked the light on abruptly in a hurry. I could've sworn it was moseying around this afternoon fine. Last night it was fine. Did I give it a heartattack? Its colors are doing the camo thing when its defensive/scared. No ich/ no new additions. Very confused, looks dead for over an hour now and not moving just gill breathing movement. rather quick IMO as well. Help!
Thats strange. How long have you had the fish, and how long has the tank been up. Any other fish in the tank displaying odd behavior?
electrical current? or current movement? Because its neither at the moment. Just checked electrical and all power heads off. I'm going to isolate him in a 10 gal hosp tank he's sideways now.
Thats strange. How long have you had the fish, and how long has the tank been up. Any other fish in the tank displaying odd behavior?

Tank has been up for about a year, the foxface was added two months ago? Everything has been up until right now. No aggressive behaviors between tank mates. testing ammonia/nitrite its zero as usual. I've had a sea hare I haven't seen in a month but, for all I know its under the pile of rockscape. It kind of looks like some nip marks on its tip of tail but I'm not 100% sure. I've never seen aggressiveness. i would in fact say he was the boss when it came to this tank. All I have is a bicolor angel/ 1 damsel which has been very docile a female anthia and lawnmower blenny.
Give him time. Do not stress him anymore. Leave him be for a while and see what happens. Not much else you can do.
I put him in the 10G and I've got all flow off for time being. At first I thought he was playing dead leaning on the setosa but an hour went by and he was still parked like a bicycle on it. He's sideways upside down , everything but upright. All I can do is wait and see. Thanks guys. Deep down I secretly think its the angel. He's a damn lps coral munching #$^@!
Give him time. Do not stress him anymore. Leave him be for a while and see what happens. Not much else you can do.

100% agree mine gets spooked when someone walks by and he get a camo in the rocks and won't move to protect himself ...are his fins erect to protect himself?
Yeah he's in black ops mode. Guns drawn and camo'd. When you say he stays like that for awhile. Do you mean hours? And he's got side fins moving around but he's upside down. He did take off like normal and went instantaneously back to scared mode. Weird. But ATM he's just upside down breathing, fins out and darkened up.
Yeah he's in black ops mode. Guns drawn and camo'd. When you say he stays like that for awhile. Do you mean hours? And he's got side fins moving around but he's upside down. He did take off like normal and went instantaneously back to scared mode. Weird. But ATM he's just upside down breathing, fins out and darkened up.
Unfortunately yes they are spooked very easily at least in the case of the two I have owned and yes I have had mine stay that way for almost a day ...I.believe you said you put a hood on the tank that's probably the cause of this episode and he will need time ...I am not sure about the floating upside down maybe it's because he's trying so hard not to move the water flow is doing that to him ..but taking him and putting him in a super small tank is only adding to his freak out and could do more damage I would just leave home alone and possibly return him to the main tank and leave the room for awhile ...he can probably see the new hood above and feels threatened
Mine acted similar on my way home from faois. At one point he was upside down, bouncing off the bag, all camo'd up and barely breathing. I actually called faois while i was driving home and told them the foxface died in the bag lol they said thats just what foxface do. He has been fine ever since. But i could of sworn he was a gonner in the bag.
Unfortunately yes they are spooked very easily at least in the case of the two I have owned and yes I have had mine stay that way for almost a day ...I.believe you said you put a hood on the tank that's probably the cause of this episode and he will need time ...I am not sure about the floating upside down maybe it's because he's trying so hard not to move the water flow is doing that to him ..but taking him and putting him in a super small tank is only adding to his freak out and could do more damage I would just leave home alone and possibly return him to the main tank and leave the room for awhile ...he can probably see the new hood above and feels threatened

Snake is dead on with this. You need to lower the stress level.
His stress is all gone unfortunately about an hour or two later. Ironically I saw a large mantis in my tank I didn't know about. 3" or so. I don't think its related but after looking at him closely, his tail fin and lower fin had some nip looking bites out of them. But, I don't really know if its anything to do with his death. Looking back the fish weren't out until late today. Probably because of me pulling the canopy to finish it.:facepalm:
His stress is all gone unfortunately about an hour or two later. Ironically I saw a large mantis in my tank I didn't know about. 3" or so. I don't think its related but after looking at him closely, his tail fin and lower fin had some nip looking bites out of them. But, I don't really know if its anything to do with his death. Looking back the fish weren't out until late today. Probably because of me pulling the canopy to finish it.:facepalm:
maybe the foxface was freaked and parked to close to the mantis and he whacked him and broke his spine ....sorry for your lose now I would definitely get a trap to catch the pest
Yeah, I found my foxface very cool and beautiful. He'd come up for food and didn't spook whenever my hands were in the tank. Of course avoiding him lol. I was trying to catch a small 1.5" black mantis I had 2 weeks ago but it escaped. Now I find this huge one poke eyes out when I put my led flashlight to the tank looking for the seahare. This mantis was red/orange by the way. I think I'm gonna clean ou t the inverts first.Before more fish, just in case.