Frag Racks


Premium Member
I am in the process of getting my frag tank up and going. I have painted the inside of the stand with waterproof paint. I am now ready to place the baffle in the sump. I have all my pvc to plumb the tank as well as my return pump, tubing and return hardware. I need assistance with frag racks. I have seen them made exclusively with eggcrate and cable ties. How stable are these? Also pvc pipes and eggcrate with cable ties. Which do you prefer and could you post pics? TIA.
I have constructed my frag racks with eggcrate and cable ties. They work great! Now, just to plumb the tank and hang my lights!
I got the baffle glued in my sump too.
I hope you used acrylic eggcrate. I made the mistake of using styrene eggcrate and seems it releases some chemicals that promote hair algae now I am plagued and need to clean every weekend. I'm in the process of replacing it.
I hope it is acrylic and not styrene! I bought it at Home Depot. It is white in color. I think most of our club members also use this type.