Frag Swap Apology


New member
I wanted to apologize to everyone I had agreed to buy/sell/trade with at the frag swap. I now won't be able to make it. Friends and family have decided to have a surprise baby shower for my wife that day and I am have to drive her there.

Again, I am very sorry for backing out on you!

Well, life has a way of upsetting reefing plans. Congrats on the up comming baby.

if you know someone who is comming to the swap, they could execute your trades for you, that way you won't completely miss out.

If not, you might want to remove the items from fragswapper. That way people who do not hang out on RC will get an email letting them know the items are no longer available. Also, you can remove the requests you had.

Have fun at the baby shower.

I withdrew my RSVP on and it said it would notify everyone that I had setup deals with, did you get a message?
Yes, I did get a message. But I was not sure if that was because I was listed as admin or because of the cancelled deals.
