Frag Swap.....Met a very special new FMAS member

I am new to this forum an I have just enjoyed reading this thread. I believe it is work like this that makes the world a better place. I am just getting back into the hobby so I don't have any extra supplies unfortunately. If the person who started the thread would like to pm me I would like to try and contribute.
Ok anyone interested in helping out we are going to set up tomorrow morning ......if you can assist or would just like to visit with some great hobbyist and meet we will be meeting at my house at 9am and then will leave from here as his house is not to far from me if you can assist and I can send you the address

if you have any items you are donating let me know if you want to meet us there and drop off or stop by.....
I can't be there tomorrow but my spirit will be with you guys. (BTW, Matt, were you able to finish my project?)

Adam, I will swing by next Wednesday evening.
Was great to see some old and new RC members all helping out. Good times, anyone have couple pics to share. Would like to see how it ended after it cleared up.
Marcus ill post up some pics I took. Not many though :(

I know a few we're posted on the Facebook group page.
Just put in sand this morning, were looking for a DI and also a chloramine cartridge housing. The RO unit I gave Adam is only a 4stage but we can add on the rest.
We installed the stand for the RO this morning along with the Ato, and silencer for overflow also......IAN it is a 3 stage unit ......

we do not need cartridge housings I have those we need

1. the outside container (the canisters) and we need 2 if anyone has any also if anyone has an old 4 unit bracket I can transfer the two he has onto it
2. a used inline TDS meter if anyone has one