Frag tank stand build


New member
We building a stand for a small frag tank. Halfway done.



I hope you have some vertical supports under the tank. Otherwise looks good.

My 135 oceanic stand is built all 3/4" no 2x4 and it's a factory stand. The front of most 72" stand is held by one 3/4" x 4" leg in the center. I'm sure a 8 gallon tank will be ok. The whole stand is made of 3/4" ply so it will be ok. I can stand on it and I'm 200lbs. So I think I'm good with the vertical supports. I will add supports on a larger stand though.
Light I need to weld some kind of arm to hang led light.

Mike and mark thanks

Can't wait to see it running...

Richard where u at? Lol
Hey that's my tank!!

It's looking great jonn!

I'm happy @ the progress. I will use custom led to light this baby and jonn will mount something in the back so I can mount it.
Hey that's my tank!!

It's looking great jonn!

I'm happy @ the progress. I will use custom led to light this baby and jonn will mount something in the back so I can mount it.
My 135 oceanic stand is built all 3/4" no 2x4 and it's a factory stand. The front of most 72" stand is held by one 3/4" x 4" leg in the center. I'm sure a 8 gallon tank will be ok. The whole stand is made of 3/4" ply so it will be ok. I can stand on it and I'm 200lbs. So I think I'm good with the vertical supports. I will add supports on a larger stand though.

Don't take my comment the wrong way. I hate 2x4. I did not use any for my larger tank stand. My 30 gallon qt stand is mostly 1/2" ply.

Looks like you only have pocket screws and glue holding up that top panel. The proper way to execute your design is with dados (slot joint) in the front and side panels, and verticals on the back. I'm not saying it will fail, but it's still 100 lbs on that top panel. I would feel more at ease if you had some internal vertical support or at the very least some horizontal strips of ply glued to the inside walls (which you may have already) to increase the shear resistance.

I'm not one to over engineer to the extreme, but you may be under depending on what the inside looks like. Please don't take my comments the wrong way. Just trying to help. You are probably fine. Good luck!
yes, safety is the biggest concern.
I will soon have a little girl crawling around there and last thing I want is her getting hurt.

Mods please delete my double post up top please.
Well it was a guess. It's 18x18x5 so really it's 7 gallons. Still really nice I think you really going to like it Richard if not I will take it. Lol
More pics coming soon. Just went and helped out a tank build over the weekend. I'm hoping to have stand done by Friday.
Well been busy as hell for last few weeks. So finally got to work on the stand a little. It's still missing the corner trim and trim around door. So still in the semi ruff stage but getting there.

