Frags for sale in Williamsport


New member
Thinking about buying a new tank so I need to sell a few frags.
Heres what I got:
Tyree Sunset Monti-50
Tyree montipora undata-35
Tyree blue polyp cap-20
Atlantis pink polyp cap-35
The original superman monti-35
ORA blue tort-20
ORA green birdsnest-15
Red birdsnest-15
Tan birdsnest-10
Pink millie-15
Blue millie-15
Hairy green millie-10
Bright purple cap-10
Grape cap-10
Green cap-8
Pink pocillipora-10
Green pocillipora-10
Aussie duncan-15/head
Pink chalice-20
Armor of god zoos-15
Blasto merletti-10
Yellow turbinaria-10
Green efflo-20
Dan,here is a pic of the Ora tort behind the toadstool
Where are you at in Williamsport? I am in South Williamsport and should be getting my new tank up within the next 3 weeks.
