Frankie's 120 gal. reef.

I relocate the filtration from under the tank to the garage. I decided to us a bin also. I designed the rack to be removable for if i ever need to move from here.
The top area will be for a frag tank i am going to build this coming week. I really like pookstreets idea. I had to drill a few hole in the walls NBD :D
I am running the whole system now off of the Reeflo Marlin. Bax recommended a manifold and it is working great! I really appreciate everyones help here and in other threads.
The ca++ reactor will be getting moved up to another shelf today, freeing the area it is in now for the co2 bottle and Kalk stirrer.
Well enough babble, here are some pictures,





Skimmers working great.

My tree
Nice Frankie!

You are DIYing the frag tank? What will you use 12" deep with 3/8 acrylic?

I was going to build a frag tank but I've decided to use a 90 g I have and make an egg crate rack instead to raise up the frags. I am going to try playing around with a gyre flow set up in there.
Thanks Johnathan :) Now i need to make the garage some what climate controlled. I am thinking about piping one of the house ducts in there and insulating the garage door. The exterior walls are insulated already.
Thanks Bax, I am still figuring out how tall to make it. I have room for a 48"Lx30" wide. 12" tall would be great cost wise on material. I was thinking more like 1/2" acrylic though. Yeah, I will build it myself. After building the skimmer and ca++ reactor i don't think i will ever by equipment again. I have the old 75 gallon refugium but it looks like crap and I just don't like that. I need to look at it and say to myself, Cool Dude! :D
OK, I need to insulate the garage door. The tank went up to 80 yesterday and the chiller was non stop. I am also going to install a ceiling fan to help air movement.
Before i toss the 75 gallon sump out i think i am going to cut it in half and see how it cleans up for a frag tank. If i hate it i will build one.
Hey, do you own your home? If so, you really should look into a ground loop cooling system. Geo-thermal cooling is virtually free and there's a lot less that can go wrong.
You wouldn't need to put holes into the foundation, just create a closed loop with pipes through the wall in the garage, out into a stream, pond, or dig trenches, and use a smallish pump to circulate the water through that pipe. Have a titanium coil sitting in your huge sump. Instant, nearly free, chiller.

(geez, I make it sound so easy... :lol: )
I insulated the garage and installed a window 8000 btu ac unit. Solved my problem. It went into the 90's today and the tank never went over 78f. The chiller ran normal not constant. and now i have a cool aired work shop and fish room :D
Tomorrow i will cut the 75 tank in half and see if it is salvageable for a frag tank. Have to try at least for my wife's sake ;)
Great idea on the Geo-thermal cooling Johnathan! I plan on buying in the near future and this will be an option for sure. I have read about this method a few years ago and liked it. I just don't think the wife can handle much more in a rental. Shes all for my hobby but wants a house and i am starting to go over the family spending budget if you know what i mean LOL!
Are you nuts!? But shes not stupid either. It took her just over 24 hour to figure out that i replaced the new window fan with an ac unit. Shes also figured out corals don't just grow out of the rock. That one was working for over a year :D
Oh god, she's gonna kill you when she get's this formula figured out. lol

I love the geothermal idea. Doesn't Jonathan have like 1000g? At what point is the break even? 548.25 gallons? lol

It's funny because I keep telling my wife that as soon as I get this thing done or that thing done, then it won't be so expensive. I think the problem is I hang out in these forums and see new things that look like they would make something easier to do/maintain. :D