Frank's LPS Grow Out Contest Update #1

Got my Hanna today.

Alk was 149ppm. 8.3dkh.
Calcium was 410
Mag was 1290.

those are good numbers except for Mg. you will easily go on a tale spin with alk/ca until you bring it up higher. Dont be afraid to dose mag, your maybe 60 or so from your goal, I like it higher but mid 1300's is good.. That amount at once will cause no harm. Use the BRS calculator and go for it.
those are good numbers except for Mg. you will easily go on a tale spin with alk/ca until you bring it up higher. Dont be afraid to dose mag, your maybe 60 or so from your goal, I like it higher but mid 1300's is good.. Use the BRS calculator and go for it.

How much is safe to swing at a time?
Ok. So as of today
1380 mag
450 cal

I dosed 1 cap of part a and part b reef fusion. 5ml of each. Clearly calcium is ok. But the 5ml raised me from 149 to 160 today. That's not going to work.

.5 gain dkh.
.5 borderline ...should be ok just take it slow

Dosed 1/5th the amount I normally do. Ended up with 150ppm this morning. Will test again tonight before dosing. Calcium and mag are doing well. Alk is still giving me a little bit of a hard time.
Well, I'm going to work on figuring out my two part dose first. Then I may switch to kalk in the future. But for now, I need to understand the amount of each that I am using and how to stabilize it.
your right frank. At this point either one or the other. I would have started kalk first until it no longer met demmand and two part was necessary, but since you choose 2 part, stick with it.
The problem with kalk is his ridiculously high evaporation rate. If using kalk should definitely start with a really dilute dose.
I've adjusted the fan and it's at more of a normal rate. My evap does seem to increase at night vs day consumption.
Alk was at 150ppm this evening without dosing anything. Not touching it tonight.