Franky's macro shots

Keep it up and you will get there. I was in your shoes not long ago. The folks here are knowledgeable and kind. Probably too kind. Sometimes I would prefer more ruthless constructive ciriticsm. But it's a great place to hone your skills, especially when posting coral pics. :D
cool shot of candy cane coral with all its feeders out

Thanks with fish it's hit or miss you go through lots of pics before you get a nice composed shot that's sharp where u want it lol
wow....just sweet. can you share your cam settings???

From all the advice I've received I've learned that better results come from lower iso settings from 200-800 depending on cameras capabilities. For corals a tripod and if using a macro I found that shooting at aperture of f11 or f16 put most of the image I wanted in focus. When shooting fish I bump my iso to 1000 sometimes fast shutter speed of 250-500. The rest is practice and trial and error. Good luck and shoot a lot lol