Friday morning D'OH


New member
So I just moved her three weeks ago and am already planning a 17g nano tank after tearing down my 90g in January prior to the move.

I ordered all new filters from BRS for my RO/DI and set that up this morning to start getting some water ready.

After setting it up and flushing everything out real good my TDS was reading .02 going into the DI Resin chamber, problem was its was also reading .02 coming out of DI Resin chamber.....***.

Well after an hour of trying to figure it out I realized I had put the Resin cartridge in upside down....doh !!!! :headwally:

That's a first
I know the feeling. When I installed mine, I forgot to add the check valve that shuts everything off once the float valve stops the clean water. The first time I made water, left the thing running for days before I realized it was wasting water.
Welcome. U r close to me. What r u going to keep in it?

You know I'm not really sure. As of four weeks ago when I got here I wasn't even sure I was setting up a tank right away since we're just renting a house for the first year. That lasted about 30 seconds, before you knew it I was back on the forums, pricing up equipment, etc, etc. my wife could tell I had that look in my eye.

I definitely wanted to keep it more manageable than a 90g with a 40g basement sump, so this week I just ordered a 17G tank, 165W LED fixture, HOB filter, media, sand, salt and more.

My first love is SPS and I have always done well with them, but we'll see.
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Manny, where do you put the check valve? I am assuming you put it on the water feed to the RO? My TDS Is reading around 12 now and i have probably only made about 200-300 gallons of water. I have a float valve on my system as well to shut off
I was in the same boat as you, was gonna set up a 20 rimless down here after I moved from Ohio. Decided to scratch that idea and will be doing an 80 rimless build in a few months.
Manny, where do you put the check valve? I am assuming you put it on the water feed to the RO? My TDS Is reading around 12 now and i have probably only made about 200-300 gallons of water. I have a float valve on my system as well to shut off

I think it is best of you watch this video rather than me try to explain it, but in summary, you should install it right after all your filters on your clean water and waste water lines.

If you don't have one, this is your issue with the RODI being "Dirty". Without this valve, your RODI system will run 100% of the time and will kill your filters super quick.

This is the best $8.00 you can spend.

Get it on eBay here.