Fs: All Livestock - Frags/fish/inverts


In Memoriam
Tearing down the tank ... need a home for ALL of the livestock ...

2 x Regal Tangs
1 x Sailfin Tang
1 x Powder Blue Tang
1 x Vlamingii Tang

1 x Lawnmower Blenny
1 x Scooter Blenny

1 x Diamond Goby
1 x Highfin Shrimp Goby - comes paired with Pistol Shrimp
1 x Clown Goby

4 x Disbar Anthias (1 Male/3 Female)

1 x Mandrin (green spotted)

1 x Yellow Wrasse

1 x Clown Fish

1 x Rusty Angel

4-5 Cleaner Shrimp
3-5 Pepermint Shrimp
1 x Blood Shrimp

10-20 Nassarius Snails
10-20 Mexican Turbo Snails (med size)
10-20 red scarlet crabs

2 x Orange Fromia Stars (1")
1 x Blue Linkia (6")
1 x starfish (3")
1 x serpant star (6-8")

Pulsing Xenia
Kenya Trees
Spaghetti Finger Leather Coral (8-10" Tall)
Toadstool Leather

Orange Cap
Green Cap
Brown Cap

Oregon Blue Tort
ORA Blue Tort
Pink Stylophora

Few other assorted Acro Frags

Green Goniopora (long)
Pink Goniopora (short)

Green Open Brain (6-8")
I wish i had the ability to keep everything while taking care of some stuff ... but don't. I need everything gone ASAP.

While the tank is down, I will be drilling for a CLS, re doing the plumbing, and elevating the sump/fuge on a low sitting stand.

I'm hoping to have the tank back up within a week or 2.
so post prices so we can see if they are priced to move, or priced to hang out.

EDIT: let me know when it all starts I will help in my spare time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9220476#post9220476 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hobster
Wow, I thought you just got the whole system set up??

october 26th ... little less than 4 months ago...

i want to relocate the sump/fuge a little higher off the ground, drill the tank for a CLS, rearrange the tank 'room' area in the garage. things that will take more than a day or two ... probably a week or two ... icannot try to keep everything alive for this long of a time in rubbermaid totes.
Just post a price list homedog G-funk! I always hated LFS's that you have to ask prices. I am more apt to buy if there is prices listed...
2 x Regal Tangs ($30)
1 x Sailfin Tang ($20)
1 x Powder Blue Tang ($60)
1 x Vlamingii Tang ($15) - GREAT ALGAE EATER!!!

1 x Lawnmower Blenny ($20)
1 x Scooter Blenny ($20

1 x Diamond Goby ($20)
1 x Highfin Shrimp Goby - comes paired with Pistol Shrimp ($25)
1 x Clown Goby ($5)

4 x Disbar Anthias (1 Male/3 Female) ($30/each - $25/each if you take all)

1 x Mandrin (green spotted) ($25)

1 x Yellow Wrasse ($25)

1 x False Perc Clown Fish ($20)

1 x Rusty Angel ($35)

just something off the top of my head ... i think they are cheaper than @ the LFS ... if not, let me know.
4-5 Cleaner Shrimp ($15 /each)
3-5 Pepermint Shrimp ($7 /each)
1 x Large Blood Shrimp ($15)

10-20 Nassarius Snails ($0.50 /each)
10-20 Mexican Turbo Snails (med size) ($1 /each)
10-20 red scarlet crabs ($0.50 /each)

2 x Orange Fromia Stars (1") ($10 /each)
1 x Blue Linkia (6") ($15)
1 x starfish (3") ($15)
1 x serpant star (6-8") ($10)
Pulsing Xenia ($10 for a BUNCH!)
Green Palys ($25 for large rock with 20-30+)
Kenya Trees ($5)
Spaghetti Finger Leather Coral (8-10" Tall) ($45)
Toadstool Leather ($45)
I'd like one snail. How much to ship to 33990??:)


Can't you get one of those giant Rubbermaid troughs and keep everything in there for a 2 weeks or so??? What a bummer to have to unload all that livestock.
i could ... but i don't want to risk loosingt he livestock ... just in case something happens while the tank is down & i cannot get it back up in the scheduled timeframe ... its just more of a hassle to try to keep everything on lifesupport while working around the stuff.
If you just need a couple of tanks, I've got a 120, and 3 55's in my garage. I can loan them out for a couple of weeks. The 120 and one of the 55's are going to be part of my new set-up once I get the room behind the reef finished. I still have to put the hardwood floors down next weekend. I want to give it 2 weeks to cure before I put a tank on it. That gives you about 3 weeks if you think that is enough time.