Fs: All Livestock - Frags/fish/inverts

Im gonna get in touch with Ryan. Can you leave them there? Let me knoe when you drop them off and I ll pick them up and leave you the $. I drive up that far maybe 1 time a week.
Is that cool?
Yes, that wouldn't be an issue for me - provided its ok with him.
Let me know what day you are planning on stoping by his place and I will try to het there same day ... Minimize the holding time for ryan and the livestock.

Let me know about the powder blue tang, please.
What color is the serpent star?? I have a 20 gal. up and running with sand and a few waving hand polyp pieces in it if you need me to babysit something?? Regards, Dawn.
he is dark red/maroon

I spoke with ryan .. he will be taking the fish to his store ... is they sell while my tank is down .. so be it .. if they are still @ the store when the tank is p & running .. i'll take them back.

as far as corals ... the tubs blue, mean green, orange, reds i will not be selling. those will go into lisafls tank for the meantime ... i cant get myself to sell those :-/
Most corals have been distributed throughout the county .... all i have left in the tank is:

green open brain
kenja trees
XENIAS!!!!!!!!! LOTS OF IT!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!

zoanthids ... tons of green ones ... all over ... small, large ...

& of course all of the fish.... but the fish i will start to catch tomorrow. I just wanted to get the corals out before i attempt to catch fish.
Yes, i do.

I'm in San Carlos Park, but i work right off the cape coral (parkway) bridge - by the buddah on the FTM side.

Let me know, and i can bring it to work with me, and meet with you for lunch, or right after work ... or during the day.
Sounds great- I just want to be sure- it is Ophioderma Squamosissimus- with the round large body disc? I had a large one , Scarlett O'hara , for 2 1/2 years that suddenly died- thinking on the web was a virus brought in by one of my new sand sifters. Right after it literally "fell apart" I lost 3 corals right, and had declines in some of the others. This was last April. I waited a long time for everything to settle down. I have looked from time to time recently for a red serpent star, and have not found a replacement. Tell me what a good time is to meet up, I will be very happy to buy her! Scarlett would take pieces of krill off a fondue fork! Regards, Dawn

let me find him tonight, and i will take a picture of him.

he does not look quite like this:


he has thinner legs, and is much more burgundy. almost like a brittle star.
Will be stopping by Saltwater Solutions Sat. around noon. If the nassarius snails are there, will leave money for you. If thats ok with you ?
Thanx again...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9248076#post9248076 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dawn II
Ok- I wil wait- the picture is exactly what Scarlwtt looked like. Regards, Dawn


i didn't get any picutures of the star, however he wasn't even close ... much skinnies legs, and a purpelish color.

I saw a few of the ones you're look for @ Saltwatersolutions a few weeks ago ... but i don't think he's got any right now ... may be wrong though. don't see too many of those ... at least not in F town.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9254591#post9254591 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mrp2g
Will be stopping by Saltwater Solutions Sat. around noon. If the nassarius snails are there, will leave money for you. If thats ok with you ?
Thanx again...
Yes, thats fine .. i'll try to catch them all tonight and bring them down .... we brought the shifh, and some coral down there last night.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9256068#post9256068 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
Yes, thats fine .. i'll try to catch them all tonight and bring them down .... we brought the shifh, and some coral down there last night.

i didn't make it down to ryans last night ... and probably won't this morning. i'll see what we can do int he near future.

I didn't see your post- thank you anyway. If you see one, or if anyone else watching this sees one- please let me know!

Regards, Dawn.