FS Complete Calcium Reactor Setup


Team RC
I'm selling this setup. I've picked up pieces along the way to use on my sps but never did due to space issue. The Carbondoser and tank were used on my planted tank so I know it works. I believe the tank is pretty full as well.

MTC Mini Cal dual chamber. Needs a good cleaning.
Carbondoser Regulator with 5 gallon tank.
Cole-Parmer Masterflex 7523-60 with easy load. Very quiet. I believe its brushless which is why it cost quite a bit.

$900 FIRM
Low balling will be ignored. I'm looking to sell this as a complete package. I'm leaving out of town on the 22nd so if not picked up in next few days will need to get it after the holiday. Non-refundable PayPal deposit will hold. If you change your mind the deposit will not be returned.

Location is Palmdale and I won't deliver. Thanks for looking


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Would you consider selling just the masterflex?

I have a carbon doser they are extremely rock solid... What I have trouble with on my setup is getting a constant steady effluent drip... The John Guest Needle Valves suck...

Would you consider selling just the masterflex?

I have a carbon doser they are extremely rock solid... What I have trouble with on my setup is getting a constant steady effluent drip... The John Guest Needle Valves suck...
If it doesn’t sell the way I want then yes Randy, I would or I’ll trade it for a pond like yours ;)
Also, can the masterflex run constantly with a metered drip 24 - 7?
yes. There’s a huge masterflex thread on this forum. So much info. Dave/o2manyfish and Scott/slief are experts on these setups
If it doesn't sell the way I want then yes Randy, I would or I'll trade it for a pond like yours ;)
yes. There's a huge masterflex thread on this forum. So much info. Dave/o2manyfish and Scott/slief are experts on these setups


Nice... Pond is about to get a very large upgrade...

This year it gets a new 3 bowl 8 foot total height waterfall... starting it right after christmas.

Next year I am adding to the size and installing a 6 foot view pane into the front so it can be seen from the gazebo as an aquarium... should bring the total gallons to 4500.

I know you are reducing your time in the hobby. so, if you are ever out in the Corona area, please stop by.... I have healthy examples of nepthea that I have given away from time to time... usually when they get to 10 inches, I take the small one and keep it and give the large one away... Really nice softie... If you decide to go that way.... yours... just let me know if you 'd like one... currently my large one is only 3 to 4 inches... But, they grow fast!!!
I would love to see it. Sounds incredible. I appreciate the offer, I am going with softies, acans, various Euphyllia and LPS. I need vertical growth so the Nepthea sounds like a nice addition. Thank you
The potential buyer made an offer which I declined. I'm giving him until 6 to accept my firm price. If we haven't reached a deal then I'm moving on to you two