so for the sake of my documentation.
the little 10g in my office is still largely empty, with just a orchid dottyback who's still doing well, and a frag of zoas that are not. I dipped the zoas in some revive today for the first time, and a TON of crud came off them. I wasn't able to necessarily identify any living creatures like zoa eating spiders but I did have a bunch of debris come off and little bits of green algae etc that is nowhere else to be seen in the tank so we'll see. Revive has done wonders for all my other corals so far.
originally I just wanted this to be a zoa garden tank but geesh, it's the one coral I usually have great luck with at home and zero luck with here!
the little 10g in my office is still largely empty, with just a orchid dottyback who's still doing well, and a frag of zoas that are not. I dipped the zoas in some revive today for the first time, and a TON of crud came off them. I wasn't able to necessarily identify any living creatures like zoa eating spiders but I did have a bunch of debris come off and little bits of green algae etc that is nowhere else to be seen in the tank so we'll see. Revive has done wonders for all my other corals so far.
originally I just wanted this to be a zoa garden tank but geesh, it's the one coral I usually have great luck with at home and zero luck with here!