FS - Corals, 28g JBJ Nano LED, DIY Led Fixture


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Picture Heavy

I'm in North Palm Beach, off of Northlake Blvd.
I will be in Delray this Sunday for a few hours and can meet if needed.

Ok, starting out with these items for sale. Most of these corals have been on the sandbed since my upgrade to the 150g. All pictures taken today, and have not been altered for color. What you see is what you get.

Sunset Peach Digitata
2" frag - $20
2-3" frag - $25 (Pictured)

Yellow Rosaria Acropora, $25 each (darker yellow atm, they've been on the sandbed. Mother colony pictured also under whites and then blues) The more light they get, they brighter they are.

AOI Zoanthids, 4 polyp with a baby, $110

Stylophora, Purple/Blue $20, 2+ inches (purchased from Live Aquaria) This was supposed to be a Pink Stylo, but apparently they shipped the wrong one. I have a large colony of this already.

Flowerpot Coral, $25, 3" diameter.

Green Slimer Colony, $45. 5" branches coming off the trunk. Higher up in the tank, it will have blue growth tips.

Cyphastrea, Blue base with Green/yellow polyps, $30, entire frag plug encrusted. The higher up towards the light, the bluer the base will become

Scripps Acropora Colony + Dragon Eye Zoa's - Approx 8" from end to end, with multiple branches. The rock also has a small, 11 polyp colony of Dragon Eyes Zoanthids (NOT Radioactive Dragon eyes)
Scripps and zoas together: $140
Scripps alone: $50 (Under whites and blues, then under Blues. As my whites dim out, the blue base becomes more and more apparent. Much more stunning under the blues)
Zoas alone: $100 (Mother Colony also pictured)

Lord of the Rings zoanthids, $50. 6 large polyps with a couple babies.
Secondd image high up under Blues

28g Nano Cube with stand. $250. This is the LED Pro version with stand, and waveMaker Duo (includes both pumps). All LED's work, but the hood needs the external Power Supply for the Daytime LED's, and the internal Driver for the Dusk/Dawn LED's. I have powered them all up using a benchtop power supply to confirm they work. I got the setup this way, and had a DIY LED fixture above it. The Power supply and driver are roughly $100 online. It does have scratches on the front glass. I did my best to get pictures with my hand in the image for size reference.

Custom DIY LED Fixture: $200 Firm. Approx 3 months run time on it @ 7 hours per day. Custom built/designed/fabricated Aluminum Housing with built in Intake and Exhaust Cooling fans, that are silent unless your right next to it (19db). External Meanwell ELN-60-48D drives 3 leds: 1-Luxeon 3Up Blue, 1- Luxeon 3Up Royal Blue, 1 Bridgelux Coolwhite (1200 Lumens). All LEDs run off the same driver at 1000mA. Equivelant to a 150w 14k Pheonix Halide (Photo's with both fixtures below). A hanger will be needed, but the picture cable does come with it. It does have an inline mini pot, that is adjustable. Running these at 1000mA is the sweet spot for color rendition. It can also be setup without the pot and connected to an Apex Controller.

I can build a few more of these is anyone is interested, with manual pots on the fixture. If interested let me know.

Tank complete, Stand, and DIY Fixture $425










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Green Slimer, Large Digi, 1 Yellow Rosaria spoken for.

I will reply to PM's this afternoon, early evening.

There has also been some confusion about what corals are for sale. These are frags unless stated otherwise in the descriptions at the top of my post.
What's left so far

AOI Zoanthids, 4 polyp with a baby, $100

Flowerpot Coral, $25, 3" diameter.

Cyphastrea, Blue base with Green/yellow polyps, $30, entire frag plug encrusted. The higher up towards the light, the bluer the base will become

Dragon Eyes Zoas: $100 (Mother Colony also pictured)

Lord of the Rings zoanthids, $50. 6 large polyps with a couple babies.
Second image high up under Blues

28g Nano Cube with stand. $250. This is the LED Pro version with stand, and waveMaker Duo (includes both pumps). All LED's work, but the hood needs the external Power Supply for the Daytime LED's, and the internal Driver for the Dusk/Dawn LED's. I have powered them all up using a benchtop power supply to confirm they work. I got the setup this way, and had a DIY LED fixture above it. The Power supply and driver are roughly $100 online. It does have scratches on the front glass. I did my best to get pictures with my hand in the image for size reference.

Custom DIY LED Fixture: $175. Approx 3 months run time on it @ 7 hours per day. Custom built/designed/fabricated Aluminum Housing with built in Intake and Exhaust Cooling fans, that are silent unless your right next to it (19db). External Meanwell ELN-60-48D drives 3 leds: 1-Luxeon 3Up Blue, 1- Luxeon 3Up Royal Blue, 1 Bridgelux Coolwhite (1200 Lumens). All LEDs run off the same driver at 1000mA. Equivelant to a 150w 14k Pheonix Halide (Photo's with both fixtures below). A hanger will be needed, but the picture cable does come with it. It does have an inline mini pot, that is adjustable. Running these at 1000mA is the sweet spot for color rendition. It can also be setup without the pot and connected to an Apex Controller.

I can build a few more of these is anyone is interested, with manual pots on the fixture. If interested let me know.

Tank complete, Stand, and DIY Fixture $400
$150, someone come get this
28g Nano Cube with stand. This is the LED Pro version with stand, and waveMaker Duo (includes both pumps). All LED's work, but the hood needs the external Power Supply for the Daytime LED's, and the internal Driver for the Dusk/Dawn LED's. I have powered them all up using a benchtop power supply to confirm they work. I got the setup this way, and had a DIY LED fixture above it. The Power supply and driver are roughly $100 online. It does have scratches on the front glass. I did my best to get pictures with my hand in the image for size reference.

Custom DIY LED Fixture: Approx 3 months run time on it @ 7 hours per day. Custom built/designed/fabricated Aluminum Housing with built in Intake and Exhaust Cooling fans, that are silent unless your right next to it (19db). External Meanwell ELN-60-48D drives 3 leds: 1-Luxeon 3Up Blue, 1- Luxeon 3Up Royal Blue, 1 Bridgelux Coolwhite (1200 Lumens). All LEDs run off the same driver at 1000mA. Equivelant to a 150w 14k Pheonix Halide (Photo's with both fixtures below). A hanger will be needed, but the picture cable does come with it. It does have an inline mini pot, that is adjustable. Running these at 1000mA is the sweet spot for color rendition. It can also be setup without the pot and connected to an Apex Controller.

The tank was taken down, hence I don't need these anymore. I'm over the multiple tanks craze, 1 tank is enough.
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