fs/ft flasher wrasse


In Memoriam
asking $20 obo or a trade for something.
Picked up another flassher last night and they don't like eachother.

send me a pm or reply here.

Pics are not perfect, but if you've ever tried to take a picture of a shy wrasse you understand!




p.s. if anyone has any idea how to catch this guy i'm up for ideas. I've been trying with food and a net, but he won't come out of the rockwork if theres a net in the water...he's one smart fish!
alright...i've been trying to catch this SOB for 2 days now. if his mouth was bigger I'd be using a fishing pole! I've tried dropping a net on him when he comes through his hole...i've tried feeding and netting...i've tried food in the net and being patient for him to come get it...he always just chills around the net untill a little piece somehow makes its way out! urgh!!! any help would be much appreciated!
try a trap, invert the top of gatorade bottle and place bait inside. i like that fish, was the fish giving it problems the sixline? If so then i can't take it because i also have a sixline
no...I bought the same exact flasher as the one in your avatar...after falling in love and then seeing it. and put it in...they started fighting...looked it up online and you can't keep 2 male flashers together....red ones gotta go...if I can catch him!!! The new one is just being very shy and hiding under the rocks untill the red one finds him and chases him to a new hiding spot. I want the stress to stop but can't get him!
so the sixline does not bother it at all? if so i have lots of zoas to trade. lmk if you catch it by friday i'll be up that way.
there might be 2 people in line before you, but I've gotta catch him and move him to the little tank first. I'll put you in line.
well...I set the little bottle trap with food in it in the tank along with my big clear net. hopefully he's in one of them when I wake up tomorrow morning!
looks like i'm going to be keeping him. I can't catch him. not even close! Him and the new flasher are pretty much staying away. during feeding time they were right next to eachother and didn't even care. I'm hoping that they'll start to be peaceful together! If I end up catching him maybe I'll call the people in line, but for now hes staying in there.
of course...now that I said I was going to keep him...he's in the bottle trap. but before I could make a decision on to keep him or sell hiim...he swam out. I should've just grabbed it! urgh!!!