Hey everyone. It's been awhile since the last update....unfortunately since then, the tank went south. I lost almost everything minus the fish, nem, polyps, and clams. The only remaining acros I have are the red mille and a bleached miami orchid. I ruled out every logical problem (unstable conditions, poor water quality, pests, flow, temperature, etc.) Nothing made sense. The only variable I had no way of testing were my lights, which decided to crap out on me several months before they were due for a change.
With that, I thought I'd break down the tank and setup a nano again. But I never got this tank to its full potential. So, I decided to redo this tank. So far, I have re-aquascaped the rock, took out the sand, added four longspine cardinals, and of course got new bulbs. With grad school around the corner, I'll be ordering some new corals soon! I'm not sure if I'll start a new thread or not, but either way, pics should be coming soon!