Fsurocks99's 40 Breeder

Please do....I need more....damn addiction lol.

And thanks....my 40 is coming along nicely. Already planning a 90 haha.

Well let me know when your ready to frag. I got a wallet waiting haha
Ok so now that school is over with (for now) and I have all this free time, I decided to take a video with my new GoPro camera! Don't be too critical. I seem to have something going wrong in the tank. In the past week, the auzzie delicate, selago, borealis, and deepwater colonies died. Everything else seems to be doing okay. I also need to do a water change on the tank, but I couldn't wait. I got the flat lens modification finished and just had to take a video.

(For those wondering, the red polyps are closed up because I recently fragged them)

It's clear the camera has trouble picking up the blues in acros, but does fine with the blues in clams. I probably need to pick up some kind of uv filter. Any suggestions?

I can't wait to use this camera while I'm diving in Bermuda in a month. This thing is sick! Totally recommend it! Only downside is to achieve a clear picture, you have to buy the flat lens modification (~$75)...
So that video must of really sucked...anyways here's a video of a recent dive i took with a friend. Nothing special, just a local lake (Rawlings). Enjoy...

For rest of the group, including my best friend, this was their first dive, working towards their open water cert. Being a freshwater lake, it doesn't have the most exciting things so we have to make our own entertainment. Hence 3mins 10sec in (1st video of this post)...:lol:

And here's all the fish:

Unfortunately, I'm noticing that posting these videos on here through photobucket and iSkySoft causes the resolution to be reduced so the video isn't as clear as the original version...
Hey everyone. It's been awhile since the last update....unfortunately since then, the tank went south. I lost almost everything minus the fish, nem, polyps, and clams. The only remaining acros I have are the red mille and a bleached miami orchid. I ruled out every logical problem (unstable conditions, poor water quality, pests, flow, temperature, etc.) Nothing made sense. The only variable I had no way of testing were my lights, which decided to crap out on me several months before they were due for a change.

With that, I thought I'd break down the tank and setup a nano again. But I never got this tank to its full potential. So, I decided to redo this tank. So far, I have re-aquascaped the rock, took out the sand, added four longspine cardinals, and of course got new bulbs. With grad school around the corner, I'll be ordering some new corals soon! I'm not sure if I'll start a new thread or not, but either way, pics should be coming soon!
Sorry to hear your newest update isn't a happy one. You've been on such a roll for a while now.

When you do it over they always come better anyway.
I'm sure it will be better. Restarts though they suck at the start, can be a chance to sort out issues. Look forward to updates. :)
Fsurocsks99's NEW and IMPROVED 40 Breeder:beer:

Hey everyone! The previous tank didn't quite hit the mark in terms of what I wanted out of it. I never did figure out what happened to it to cause it to crash, but that's in the past.

I decided to started from almost scratch. I re-did the aquascape and changed my bulb combo. I've added a few things here and there, but am waiting for a break in the heat to order my big shipment. In the meantime, I took a few teaser pics, including one hinting at the new aquascape:





More to come in the weeks ahead!
And the fun begins! I just received my order from Reefgardener.net
Here are a few pics:


Tropical Tenius

Kryptonite Vermiculata

Green Slimer


Also in the pictures are pink lemonade, rainbow mille, tropical mille, fiery digitata, magenta birdsnest, Tropical montipora, Yellow Tortusa, A. desalwii, Red PPEs, Watermelon palys, and magician palys.

And here's a pic of a Tenius I picked up the other day:
Magician Palys

Watermelon Palys

Tropical Tenius

Tropical Mille



The Gang (six blue eye cardinals)

Meteor Shower Cyphestrea and a few frags
Wow dude you've picked up some nice corals! Tanks looking very nice too.

Thanks sahin! I finally took the plunge and ordered from offline. I had heard so many bad experiences that I shy'd away from it. I'm glad I did though!

On another note, there always seems to be something going on with this tank...Before, the corals weren't really thriving, but the fish were doing great. Now the corals have settled in and are finally growing like crazy, but the fish are going south. About a month ago, my starry blenny's stomach expanded till it was bigger than its head (I've had for about 3 years). Well, after 3 weeks, it died. I'm assuming it was some type of parasite. Even with the expanded stomach, it was acting normal, eating mysis and algae. I have since then replaced it with a new starry.

Then, Halloween comes around. I came home from work to find one of the chalk basses attached to a vortech, dead. The other chalk was on the bottom gasping for air, eyes enlarged. And to top it off, one of the cardinals was stuck to the other vortech, still barely alive. I quickly put the two in QT and treated with pima and melafix (only thing I had). Then I ran back to work to pick up some other meds and carbon. By the time I got back, they were dead. Very weird considering they were fine last nite, eating and everything.

So, I filled my phosban reactor halfway with carbon. I checked this morning and the 2 clowns, 5 cardinals, and starry are doing fine. Gotta love the sensitivity of these systems. Oh and the parameters were on point if you were wondering. I had actually done a 10 gallon water change the day before Halloween.