sharty buzz, I lost three anthias while away for no reason last week aswell
Yeah it sucks. I hope your remaining fish do well. I had bad luck reef keeping the past 2.5 years. Take a look at my signature for the specs off my current tank. This is the most amount of money I've so far put into a tank yet; AEFW's, Dinos (twice) and other general life's crap made me restart my tank yet again. Previously reefkeepqing was a breeze for me.
So you just got to ride out the difficult time and hopefully your tank will look awesome in around six months time.
Tank looks awsome, love the new fish.
Looking great, Jack!
I'm hoping to join you with good coral colors and day.
Keep it up!
Locking very good! :celeb2: glad that your tank is doing well. Your sps are colouring up so nicely as well.
Man love the tank bro.... looks good.... by the way how many fish u got in the tank?...
nice job!![]()
Well with my new Graduate Research Assistant job, I will be finding myself leaving the country numerous times next year...I sucks, but someone has to do it, right? :lmao: These trips will only be ten days at the most. However, I have been chosen to spend the summer out of the country as well (100 days)...with this, I was very close to breaking down the tank.
But, I got to thinking how much work I had put into the tank. So, I knew I needed to make the tank as automated as possible. This meant auto top-off, dosing pumps, and controller. After reading about the best reef controllers, I chose Apex. I finally mustered up the courage to click checkout. And then, after this swift kick (more like jump kick) to the pants, I clicked checkout for a tunze osmolator....what a freaking expensive day! But, I can't wait to play with some new toys!
The controller will pay for itself in no time. I had a heater die on me two weeks ago and my back up couldn't keep up and my tank dropped to 70 degrees. Luckily, nothing died. But a week later, after replacing the heater that died, my backup decided it wanted to remain on and heated the tank to 83 degrees. I lost my hawkins, dustins deepwater, superman monti, and yellow tortusa, which is probably half of what I just paid for the controller...if only I had bought it sooner!
After taking the hits for the controller and top-off, I'll wait on the 2 dosing pumps from BRS....
Well done on the purchases.
I went to Turkey for holiday a couple of weeks back. I was away for 8 days.
My GHL Profilux, Tunze Osmolator and Fauna Marin Triple Doser (for Alk, Ca and Mg); kept my tank going smoothly. My top off container holds about 30litres. This lasts me about 10 days.
I would love the Apex, but they dont make one to use with UK voltage.
Sorry about the livestock losses. I actually dont use a heater. I live in a modern flat and the room temp NEVER drops below 24'C.
I have a fan cooler hooked up to my GHL for cooling.
Other than feeding fishes, everything else on my tank is automated.
In future if I leave for holidays, I will setup the webcam on my laptop facing the tank; have my bro hook it up to the internet and so I will be able to see whats happening with the tank whenever I like; from anywhere in the world. That way, should something happen, I can call a family member to come and check things out.
Even though everything was automated, I still worried about the tank. Having a camera view would be very useful for me in the future.
Its too difficult to leave the hobby. :headwally:
Here's the update:
:beer:Not bad, I did what I could...still not completely happy with it. I may have to build something to cover it all up on the wall...still waiting to get some automatic dosers. Oh and I found a very good excuse to upgrade the mp20 to a mp40. Because its an older driver, the led display doesn't dim, so at night it's very annoying when it's 'breathing' in night mode. Sure I could cover it, but where's the fun in that! :lmao: