Fsurocks99's 40 Breeder


I just got the ati light and I need some help hanging it up right now it is on blocks of wood over the tank do you think you can shoot me over a pm on how to mount these things.

Thanks buddy

thank you for the great advice

Your welcome!

In a few weeks I will be adding some more corals. My boss is taking pre-orders from ORA:D. So far, I'm looking at getting the Australian Delicate Stag, Pearlberry, Blue Milli, Red Planet, Jeremy's Green Digi, maybe Joe the Coral and maybe Purple Pillow. Still trying to decide. I really only have room for 4-5 of them so I want to chose the best!
Hey Jack,

How is the tank looking :)

Well, it's okay...I haven't updated because I been having things die on me(all corals so far). And I really don't know why. The only thing I can think of is that it is a new tank and most of the rock(25lbs out of the 34lbs) was dead rock. But, the corals that have died were ones that weren't doing well before the transfer to this tank, so that has a lot to do with it also. So far, I've lost a pink birdsnest, a orange digi, a tort, a milli, and a hawkins(sorry kasey).

But, as far as things going well, my clownfish started hosting the anemone a week ago. I also added a frogspawn frag 4 days ago that is doing great. Last night, I added an orange pistol shrimp. My plans now are to wait for a while to add any sps. I'm thinking 2-3 months. Some of the colonies are still fading so I want to give them time to recoop. Once they start to thrive, I'll add a coral and see how it does. This week I'll try to add some pics of the tank, but it is one of those weeks where every professor of mine wants to have a test so, I can't say for sure that I'll be able to.
So, here's a quick update. I added a new clam a few minutes ago, but the lights are already off, so I'll post some pick tom. morning. Not going to say which species, but it looks awesome!
Okay, here are some pics:
The Good:

She finally figured out what an anemone is!



The Bad:

This coral is the reason I haven't added anymore sps. It has almost no polyp extension. Not sure why. There is plenty of flow, levels are perfect, and I'm feeding it.

The Awesome:



I picked this Derasa up last night. Very tough decision. We got it a two amazing derasas. Both were completely different. The other was a golden thin bar with a blue rim. If the other stays long, I'm might pick it up as well.:D

All the pics were under the actinics.
After working again tonight, I've decided I'm going to get the other clam that came in tom! So, I'll have some pics of that one on sunday.
Looking good. I set my rock work up in my 40 breeder to have a vally in the middle for a couple more clams as well.
Here's a FTS with the new clams:



Early this morning around 3am, we had a 2-hr power outage. It looks like the short tentacle plate and the birdsnest took a big hit. Hope they make it.
Nice grab on the Derasa's, Jack! That makes me miss my clams...and my tank. I'm not sure why your Mille's acting like that, though; you don't seem to have any signs of parasites. How's the Hawkin's doing? I know it was a small frag...pretty easy to lose.

On another note, I persuaded my land lord to let me keep a tank! I'm in the planning stages and will be actually building it, myself. It'll have some twists to it. Anyway, great to see the tank's still doing well!
Nice grab on the Derasa's, Jack! That makes me miss my clams...and my tank. I'm not sure why your Mille's acting like that, though; you don't seem to have any signs of parasites. How's the Hawkin's doing? I know it was a small frag...pretty easy to lose.

On another note, I persuaded my land lord to let me keep a tank! I'm in the planning stages and will be actually building it, myself. It'll have some twists to it. Anyway, great to see the tank's still doing well!

Thanks kasey! Yeah, I couldn't let anyone else get them, too nice! The mille is starting to look better now that I aimed one of the outputs towards it. I am thinking about adding another powerhead because I'm not to happy with the output of the mag 9.5. Unfortunately, the hawkin's didn't make it. It was the last to die.
Looking forward to seeing the new build. Any idea what size?
Thanks kasey! Yeah, I couldn't let anyone else get them, too nice! The mille is starting to look better now that I aimed one of the outputs towards it. I am thinking about adding another powerhead because I'm not to happy with the output of the mag 9.5. Unfortunately, the hawkin's didn't make it. It was the last to die.
Looking forward to seeing the new build. Any idea what size?

Well, I'm sorry it didn't make it.

In reference to the build, I'm going back to a system similar to my 30 breeder. The dimensions will be 36" x 24" x 16"t (although the water level will only be 14"). I don't want to hi-jack your thread, so I PM'ed you more info on it.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing more pics as the corals settle in and start to explode! :)