All the corals are in their permanent places, I hope. Growth has been great in some corals like the deepwater acros and the rose mille. I started lowering the light fixture by a half an inch a week. I was orginally at 12'' and am currently at 9.5''. My goal is to end up at 8''. I'm looking at purchasing some bulbs here soon, most likely 4 blue + and either 2 purple + or 2 fiji purples. I did swap one of the fiji purples for an aquablue sp. today and did see somethings I liked and some I didn't. It did add a more crisp look and the greens and blue look slightly more intense. But, the reds and oranges were not as intense, which was expected. As far the fish go, my yellow coris wrasse's color was amazing, but the clownfish and social wrasse looked dull.
As far as water chemistry goes, my mag has been steady at ~1320 and cal ~400. Here's the funny part though, my alkalinity has been steady at 5.8dKH. The reason it's funny is because I had the same low alk and pH problems with my nano. My pH is around 8.0-8.1. I've been using reef buffer and builder, but it doesn't seem to effect it much. Like I said above, the growth has been great in some corals, but for all of them, their colors are awesome. So, if it's working there's no need to fix it...