Full Automation: How man dosing pumps


New member
Hi Everyone,
I am new to the salt water tank world and I want to start a fully automated system. How many dosing pumps do I need? Here is my list so far, am I missing anything or is something not needed as a programmed dose. This is based on the Red Sea Mixed Reef recipe.

1. Automatic water changes: clean water source and empty vessel
2. Calcium
2. Magnesium
4. KH/Alkalinity
5. NO3:PO4
6. Trace elements
7. Reef Energy A
8. Reef Energy B

The only thing "needed" are the first 4, and those should really be 3 because I believe Mag gets mixed in with one of the other two.
You'll need 2 heads for the auto water change. 6, 7, and 8 can go. 5 is really not needed, especially in the beginning.

The CA, ALK, and MG should be on 3 pumps so you can use generic stuff instead of expensive premix but if I were to start over I would have bit the bullet early on and gone with a CA reactor instead of dosing salts and Kalk.
You don't want to dose Nitrates or Phosphates. They need to be removed.

I dose vinegar only. Calcium reactor for Alk and calcium, I have pumps for auto water change and auto top off. I have an Apex controller to monitor all of them and turn on/off based on my established parameters. Trace elements com from water changes and help with what Ree Energy A & B are? Probably not needed and some sort of snake oil. There is a lot of it, sadly, in this industry. Probably more than in arthritis cures.
You don't want to dose Nitrates or Phosphates. They need to be removed.

Not 100% true. After reading multiple threads on the benefits of dosing nitrate I just started doing this. Starting my dose off at 5ml per day of solution which gives the tank .50ppm of NO3. Will likely have to increase it somewhat and I was thinking an extra doser would not hurt for this purpose.

So then, 5 would be the most probable. IMO dosing pumps are usually too low flow for ATO use so I rule that use out.
Carbon(vodka, vinegar, sugar)
You don't want to dose Nitrates or Phosphates. They need to be removed.

I dose vinegar only. Calcium reactor for Alk and calcium, I have pumps for auto water change and auto top off. I have an Apex controller to monitor all of them and turn on/off based on my established parameters. Trace elements com from water changes and help with what Ree Energy A & B are? Probably not needed and some sort of snake oil. There is a lot of it, sadly, in this industry. Probably more than in arthritis cures.

That is just the name of red sea's overpriced vinegar/ethanol carbon dosing mix. Not the actual nutrients.
It would take quite a bit of convincing to get me to dose either nitrates or phosphates. Just feed more frequently. Maybe turn off the skimmer for a few hours per day.
It would take quite a bit of convincing to get me to dose either nitrates or phosphates. Just feed more frequently. Maybe turn off the skimmer for a few hours per day.

I really ramped up my feeding in both quantity and frequency to no avail. It's been less than a week so far but what I see is encouraging.