Full siphon pipe sizing


New member
With a 1" bulkhead is it beneficial to the flow to increase the size of the piping after the bulkhead? I know increasing standpipe size will increase "head pressure" increasing flow but after the flow goes through the bulkhead is it worth increasing size again?
A 1" full siphon can pass a lot of flow. I cannot imagine a situation where there would be much benefit to increasing it. Oversizing it can also make it more difficult to expel air and get the full siphon started.
Yes..There "may" be "some" benefit to increasing pipe size in certain situations...
There could be cons in others....
A 1" full siphon can pass a lot of flow. I cannot imagine a situation where there would be much benefit to increasing it. Oversizing it can also make it more difficult to expel air and get the full siphon started.

That was my thoughts about the flow as well. Im keeping it at 1. Thanks all
Pipe size change after the bulkhead would be largely inconsequential. The real determining factors are bulkhead size and distance between bulkhead and surface of water. Check this chart out.
