G2 radions non pro question


Active member
hello everyone, i have been using two G2 non pro xr30w radions for about 3 years, i decided to upgrade, when i was taking down the old radions i noticed that the sides are really sticky (rubber sides) and theres is nothing i can clean it with, at first i thougt it was grease since the tank is really close to the kitchen, and i have never taken them down to clean them, anyone experienced this? and if so, how did you clean it?, thanks

I have also experienced this on several of my radions. If you figure it out, please post a fix or where its coming from.:headwally:
I have also experienced this on several of my radions. If you figure it out, please post a fix or where its coming from.:headwally:

Not sure what it will do to the plastic on the sides, but here in Texas hard plastic in car interiors (center consoles, etc) sometimes gets that way. Soaping water does nothing. Isopropyl alcohol and a cotton ball on the other hand cuts right through it. No idea if it will take something else off and I wouldn't do it over the tank, but you might try that in an inconspicuous place on the back.