Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6701411#post6701411 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moonpod
Oh Kona....dude you're making me want to redo my metal frame....and that would be a massive pain in the but....

LOL, making me want to get my wooden stand coated :p

Konadog, does that stuff stick to wood ?? hehe :D
me like... should never have to worry about rust with that stuff, now you need to do your white truck's
I did and even that was not cheap. The problem is that the spray guns are set up to spray a 12" wide patch, so there is a ton of waste doing something like this. Something like this costs around $300+, it's 74' of 2 x 2 tubing.

Gabriel, the truck's a company truck. If they want it sprayed, they can spray it!
My cost for powder coating a larger stand was 150$, not sure which product would be better in the long run.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6707670#post6707670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
Could this be applied to wood ??

If you are looking for the same finish, Trunk paint would be much cheaper and give you the same speckled look.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6707843#post6707843 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gdm42001
If you are looking for the same finish, Trunk paint would be much cheaper and give you the same speckled look.

I am not looking for the look as much as durability over timeââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦
I'm not sure how well it sticks to wood. I do know that they do spray in on wood as a guy had a wooden cabinet sprayed for his garage while I was there.

Gabriel, do you have any pictures of the plumbing work of your tank, especially the back of the tank?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6705209#post6705209 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alien9168
Nice tank!

Thank you...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6707625#post6707625 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sonofgaladriel
When can we see the stand 'cover' in place Gabriel? I hope it fit :D

Sean i want to put it on as well but my aquatronica is not wroking and i have to get into the sump area daily. As soon as i get that thing going i will put it on. Do you think it is strong/stable enough to carry alone. i might rip some of the 2x4's off and use them as a base to carry the stand in? What do you think?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6708104#post6708104 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
I'm not sure how well it sticks to wood. I do know that they do spray in on wood as a guy had a wooden cabinet sprayed for his garage while I was there.

Gabriel, do you have any pictures of the plumbing work of your tank, especially the back of the tank?

Ill post some pics for you today. My plumbing is pretty simple, i didnt want pipes everywhere. but it is all sch 80 and George Fisher True Union Ball Valves
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Thanks Gabriel, I hope to start my plumbing this weekend and just want to be sure I don't miss something I want for later.
ok.. so its stong enough to carry and i wont need additional support. i saw it last weekend looks soo nice. its soo big, cant wait.
Yep, its definately strong enough to carry around 'gently' without adding any additional supports. You really should have at least 3 guys to carry the cover through your small doorway. If memory serves, you'll need to snake one end through the door way first, then the straight away, then snake the other end through as well. Just avoid any forceful twisting and of course dropping it :)
I can't wait to see it on. The canopy looks very nice and the stand is even better ;)
Kona here are some pics of the plumbing. I have 2 1 1/2" drains, one on each side. Here is the entire stand area, you can see the right sch 80 drain on the right

another angle/ here is the left 1 1/2" drain going into the Deltec and a 1" T split
to take off the backpressure fro the Deltec.. The Deltec's input is 1"

another angle

and the right side same 1 1/2" drain with 3 GF ball valves

you can see the main drain fuge and barr all have their own GF ball valves.
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Thanks Gabriel.
I have to ask why you have valves on the drain lines. I understand the ones to create back pressure and direct flow, but the first ones? Isn't the drain connected to an overflow box, that would be empty when the pumps are shut down?

Dang Savko is out of valves, mine won't ship until Monday :(