Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Hey Bebo77,

I'm drooling over your setup ! You have the best equipement, stand, tank..everything is perfect !! wow !

Just wondering, can you give us some info on what the Aquatronica is going to control/do ?

Thanks !
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6542993#post6542993 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RonBuck

Sorry it took me so long to reply. That stand and canopy looks great! Your tank is coming along nicely too. Can't wait to see some more updated pics.

Ron thank you..... glad to see you found my thread....

The Aquatronica is going to control everything. I have 4 powerbars. 2 in the canopy and 2 in the stand. All lights, fans, pumps, ozone, probes, ATO etc will have a plug. I hope to program it so that the only thing i will have to do is turn a ball valve on my mag to do a water change, everything should be automatically controlled by it.

I was wondering if you have had enough time to really evaluate the calcium reactor you got from Scott? I got a kalk reactor from him a little while ago and I'm considering him for this...

Thanks for the welcome! Asnatlas

No problem Gabriel, I should have dropped by sooner :P

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6543034#post6543034 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas

To Reef Central
upon initially reading your thread I thought from your equipment list you were choosing between the deltec skimmer and the barr aquatic, but from reading again and the picture it looks like you are running both. can you elaborate on why you are running 2 big skimmers? really high fish bioload? one running wet and one dry?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6555229#post6555229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by OCDep
wow, now thats a stand and hood
Aint it though...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6557262#post6557262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SVTour

I was wondering if you have had enough time to really evaluate the calcium reactor you got from Scott? I got a kalk reactor from him a little while ago and I'm considering him for this...

i am no expert when it comes to calcium reactors but for the price, media capacity and customer service you cant beat it... I believe all calcium reactors pretty much use the same media except for deltec's. This unit is well built and holds alot of media. I like it.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6560060#post6560060 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarletknight06
upon initially reading your thread I thought from your equipment list you were choosing between the deltec skimmer and the barr aquatic, but from reading again and the picture it looks like you are running both. can you elaborate on why you are running 2 big skimmers? really high fish bioload? one running wet and one dry?

I am running two skimmers of different methods for several reasons. The first reason i am doing this is for the use of ozone. I dont want to damage a $1600 skimmer with it in any way, ozone from what i have read, can also in inhibits a skimmer from effectivly skimming.

I also can have one skimmer always run wet (Deltec) and the other dry (Barr), effectively getting the best of both worlds. The Barr skimmer also has ports for ozone and calcium effluent witch i plan to take advantage of.

I could not go bigger with the Deltec due to height constrains with the stand so I opted to supplement the skimming with a Barr.

Finally if you look at my sump configuration i wanted all water that passes through the sump to go through filters and skimmers. I have accomplished this by running the two skimmer configuration.

Ok the XM's wont light so i bought some Ushio 14K and guess what no problem lit the second i put them in...

I am returning the bulbs that i have to XM and they are sending me new bulbs. Anyone want brand new XM DE 10k bulbs $75 each ill overnight them for free.(moving on)

here are some pics ill take some during the day.. i have to figure out this camera...cannon xt
all MH and T5's on

left side ushio only right side all lights on

i hope to get the stand up this weekend.. if not next weekend for sure...

I am moving the wavebox around it is giving me a 1/4 wave.. what a joke i think i need the extension, great another expense, and deltec is raising prices starting the 1st ouch i may have to get the chiller sooner than expected.
Thanks Jonathan, it looks a lot better in person. Ill play with the camera during the day tomorrow and ill see if i can get a nice pic out of it.

anyone know what setting to use for the XT to get nice pics?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6598858#post6598858 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
great another expense

I know EXACTLY what you mean!

Take your budget, and add 50% for "incidentals", LOL.
I bought my kalk and calcium reactors from Scott, too. Stole this oen from you. :) Where did you get your media for them from. No local shop carries ARM around here. Are you using ARM or something else for the cal?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6599362#post6599362 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rulesmith
I bought my kalk and calcium reactors from Scott, too. Stole this oen from you. :) Where did you get your media for them from. No local shop carries ARM around here. Are you using ARM or something else for the cal?

Glad i could help:D ...i got it from premium aquatics.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6599366#post6599366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Purple Haze
nice shelf rock.

Thanks i wanted to create as many shelfs as i could.. i plan on fragging the entire tank. There is a frag farmers market coming to town.. i hope to score some nice items there...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6598973#post6598973 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77

anyone know what setting to use for the XT to get nice pics?

Send it to me, I'll do some test shots, and let you know what I find.... :D

Nice camera, I've been thinking about getting one myself. Here's a few general suggestions for the XT. Increase the sharpness in the camera to +1 or +2, the camera default is a little soft. Also, if you're shooting with the kit lens, the lens itself softens at small aperture settings (large numbers), to avoid that try to stay below F6 or so (kit lens only). The XT is also great in high ISO modes, even at 1600. For any given aperture, that means faster shutter times and less blurring in your shots.

Above all, just play around with the exposure and see what comes out best. I've found that digital film is remarkably cheap for practice shots! :D