Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Beutiful tank and clams!! :D

Keep up the good work and your right...colecting stamps is definatly cheaper...and goldfish are the most expensive fish of all...because they get you hooked on this hobby :D

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6850295#post6850295 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
Bebo77 you have a PM :)

pm replied let me know if you need more info....
Bebo, awesome set-up.... I didn't get a chance to read the ENTIRE thread so I appologize if you already answered this question. Where is Sean the cabinet guy from? I'm also in S. Cal and was looking at getting a stand made for a 240g tank. (8'x2') Thanks and great thread.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6858696#post6858696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by House_64
Bebo, awesome set-up.... I didn't get a chance to read the ENTIRE thread so I appologize if you already answered this question. Where is Sean the cabinet guy from? I'm also in S. Cal and was looking at getting a stand made for a 240g tank. (8'x2') Thanks and great thread.

not a problem... Sean is in Kansas.. you can PM him here
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I lost 2 green chromis so my school is down to 8...

And i got my very 1st SPS coral... ill post pics in a few i am acclimating the coral as we speak...
I made the mistake of putting them in my 300 gallon instead of the 30.. I woke up in the morning to see them swimming in and out of the overflows... :eek1:

I pulled the ones that i could find out(8) 1 would not come to the surface(later found him dead on the bottom of the tank)..The last one i found later that day attached to the side on the tunze 6200..

I have since moved them into the 30...

and here is my very 1st SPS coral....
Bummer! Image didn't come up but I did get to press the "fart button" repeatedly, which is almost as good! :D :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6867934#post6867934 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
i have no idea what type it is or what its called.. can anyone help me out there.....

Some sort of Acropora. Can't help on the exact species, 90% of them look identical to me. :D
Were they very small chromis? I am a little concerned cause I plan to put 10-20 in my 360. I have two 6200's and a lot of return. I have 2 inch long overflow teeth, but not very wide. you got you tank from James right? Did you get standard teeth? Do you plan on moving them back to the the big tank when they grow some? Nice acropora, I have no idea what kind it is, but I think you should name it a cotton candy acropora :)
From everything I have heard about Chromis is that you should buy twice as many as you want because they are not very hardy at first. Once you have a school of survivors they will do ok. HTH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6870107#post6870107 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rulesmith
Were they very small chromis? I am a little concerned cause I plan to put 10-20 in my 360. I have two 6200's and a lot of return. I have 2 inch long overflow teeth, but not very wide. you got you tank from James right? Did you get standard teeth? Do you plan on moving them back to the the big tank when they grow some? Nice acropora, I have no idea what kind it is, but I think you should name it a cotton candy acropora :)

Yes the chromis are very small and james made the overflow teeth 2" long, i have a wavebox.. the teeth are also very close together... but the chromis are tiny; they are doing great in the 30 though.

you can put alot in a lage tank just make sure thay are a good size before you put them in.. i dont think i will be able to put these guys in the main tank till this winter...