Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Any updates?

An update from me on the System Reefresh:

I'm just starting week 6 in this system and this is when results should become immediately apparent. On with the pros and cons;


* Water CRYSTAL clear
* Increased growth in most corals
* Deeper more intense color in most corals
* Skimmate not nearly as "chunky" now, smells different, looks different and is completely uniform in texture.
* Has not affected clams, coco worms, fish or LPS


* Time consuming, tank must be dosed two different times, before lights on and after lights off
* Zoos did not like the stripped clean water
* Strange whispy algae continues to proliferate in the tank on any plastic surface (this could be the only source of phosphate available in the tank)
* Encrusting Monti's did not like the extra light and water quality and have demonstrating varying stages of STN
* One acro (blue selago) slowly STN'd for unknown reasons. The colony was healthy three months previous and came from a captive frag
So now i have a 1/2 finished 300 gallon that is full(kind of) of fish...

Not sure if you answered this in the thread somewhere... i couldnt find it

What was/is wrong with your tangs face? Or is that just something wrong with the picture?
hey all i havent updated in a loooooong time...

well i am redoing the aquascaping this weekend ill post pics as soon as i am finished..

i have not added any new fish or coral since my last post...

i am redoing my plumbing with a Red Dragon for a return and getting a couple more 6200 streams as i still have some algae on the horizontal rocks...

as far as the tang goes( that pic was taken in the begining of the year)... when i first started salt water tanks i had 3 large tangs in a 60 gallon tank( i didnt know any better at the time).. to make matters worse the rio pump that i was using was putting stray electrical current in the water. All this resulted in LLHDE or latteral line head disease erosion... the tang since being in the 300 has almost totally recovered...
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7649704#post7649704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
as far as the tang goes( that pic was taken in the begining of the year)... when i first started salt water tanks i had 3 large tangs in a 60 gallon tank( i didnt know any better at the time).. to make matters worse the rio pump that i was using was putting stray electrical current in the water. All this resulted in LLHDE or latteral line head disease erosion... the tang since being in the 300 has almost totally recovered...

wow... good ol rio pump! they never sease to amaze!

good to hear that he/she has fully recovered!
hey, you need to update man! what's goin on w/your tank? i keep adding fish like a newbie...haha
lol yeah i have not updated this thread in a long time.. i snapped a few pics for you ill take some more this weekend....

just going through this thread its amazing to see all the change, and I'm glad to see your tang is still doing well. lots of great growth in that tank
Thanks guys.. the tank has really settled in.. and i redid the aquascaping so that it looks better as well...
hey gabriel..

i'm lookin at getting a 180g acrylic from socalcreations...this would be my first acrylic experience and i want to make the right choice here.

Are you glad you went with acrylic? how are you keeping the glass clean and how often do you clean the panels? did u scratch it?
i like acrylic better than glass for large tanks.. when you go over 210 it really makes a difference. I run Zeo so i only wipe my panels once a month or so.. i really dont have any algea. I have a harder time keeping coraline off the acrylic than algea.

I use those 100 micron filter pads to wipe the acrylic.. you can push, scrape etc and it wont scratch, i have a few scratches but you dont see them unless you look for them.. you are welcome to come over some time and see the tank... the one thing i recommend is planning ahead so that you make your life is easier when you do have to do maintance.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8101110#post8101110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
lookin' great! crosshatch triggers right? they look like they mean business! :D

Blue Jaw and Sargassum I believe.
Oh yeah, I scrolled back some. From the front they look like a Blue Jaw and a Sargassum. Same genus, different species. :o