Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

once a month!? man...are u spoiled :)

i'm glad if i can do it once a week...thanks for the of these days i'll find time to come over.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8130704#post8130704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
i like acrylic better than glass for large tanks.. when you go over 210 it really makes a difference. I run Zeo so i only wipe my panels once a month or so.. i really dont have any algea. I have a harder time keeping coraline off the acrylic than algea.

I use those 100 micron filter pads to wipe the acrylic.. you can push, scrape etc and it wont scratch, i have a few scratches but you dont see them unless you look for them.. you are welcome to come over some time and see the tank... the one thing i recommend is planning ahead so that you make your life is easier when you do have to do maintance.
Took some videos a few weeks ago. He had just fed the tank really really heavy...

Anyway enjoy! I know I did.

This was my first day using my new digi cam/ on auto.

My buddy Ev specing the tank.

Ill be going back soon Gabe, so throw on a Diatom filter, and dont feed the fish right when I get there:lol: because I have mad camera skills now.:D
Well thats about as nice a setup as I've ever seen - the only thing I didn't like was that the canopy covers quite a bit of the tank - still looks awesome though. Congrats!
I think maybe you are looking at the bottom of the light fixture, not the top of the tank, looks to me like the canopy is right at the top of the tank.
tank covers 2" of the tank's top.. but that is because i want to cover the water line, also to hide the wave from the wavebox.
the steel stand?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6339468#post6339468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77

I called a local shop SoCalCreations for help in building the steel stand and sump. The stand built by Randy is 40" tall and made if 1.5" steel tube that is powder coated black.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7879718#post7879718 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Psyire
So I have some pictures of my latest addition!





well i could not let Psyire get all the cool looking foxface fish so i got one... ill post a pic manana.... but i am looking for one of those psyire...
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That's the Orange Spot Rabbit? It seems a bit blue. There are three of them in a store near Seattle at about $80. They are sweet!
Excellent tank, stand (both metal and "skin"), and equipment! You are the man. I just finally read through everything!
I really like the triggers. They are behaving? Not nipping at anybody?
I may have Sean build me a stand as well. :) May have to drive to pick it up though. Dont want to risk shipping it. :)
Jnarowe it does look blue, but i have not seen one in person so i dont know what there true color is.. but he is a good looking fish.

Thanks Tank..

The Crosshatch triggers are great... they never cause problems and the male is always the first one to greet me as he swims to the front of the tank as soon as i walk in.

here is a pic of my rabbit fish.. its a Scribbled Daiatus Rabbitfish

and here are my 2 new clams


I was over at marcrothschild place and he was trying to catch a desjardinii tang that was scratching the hell out of the tank...have your tangs done the same?