Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))


I think I am going to start using that prodibio stuff. Would you reccomend getting bioptim, biodigest, and biokit to start? Or would just the biokit be enough?

Also, I got way lost with the zeo stuff.. I will have to keep reading about it. Do I need to run zeo?
Bioptim, Biodigest and Reef Booster are considered to be the big threee. I really want to do this but on my system it would cost $80/mo. Plus the electricity, plus the $50 in salt and there's always something else to buy and that's not even including stock. Sometimes I think you got to be a millionaire to run a large tank. :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7184841#post7184841 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce

I think I am going to start using that prodibio stuff. Would you reccomend getting bioptim, biodigest, and biokit to start? Or would just the biokit be enough?

Also, I got way lost with the zeo stuff.. I will have to keep reading about it. Do I need to run zeo?

i am running zeo lite:D.. i lost 5 frags from zeo.. so i now use 1/4 the recommended dose of the basic 4. You dont have to run zeo.. Prodibio and Zeo area totally seperate things, Iwan uses some of the Zeo products like the Zeo start2 nitrate remover and some of the other high end additives to make his corals POP, but the additives are NOT CHEAP...

I have seen alot of nice tanks using Zeo and want the same results so am sticking it out but VERY VERY slowly...

Again i am somewhat copying Iwan and he uses prodibio's "big three" Biotipm, Biodigest, and Reefbooster. I purchased the Bio Kit Reef whitch has all the start up ampoules that you will need plus some extras..:D

for you i would recommend getting at least 1 bio kit and the 30 ampoules size of biotipm and reefbooster. you will go through biodigest the fastest i would recommend getting 2 of the 30 ampoules containers for that one.. that should last you a couple of months since you only dose the product only every week or every other week; depending.

here is what Iwan is doing.. i am worlking off of this, not doing it exactly( my tank does nto have the same depands as his) but i am following very closely

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7184902#post7184902 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Bioptim, Biodigest and Reef Booster are considered to be the big threee. I really want to do this but on my system it would cost $80/mo. Plus the electricity, plus the $50 in salt and there's always something else to buy and that's not even including stock. Sometimes I think you got to be a millionaire to run a large tank. :(

it really not expensive.. you only dose every week or every other week.. its really worth it you only dose for you total water volume not the tank water volume you subtract the rock etc from the total.. my 400+ gallon tank really only has a hair over 300 actual gallons of water so its worth it for me i think..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7184942#post7184942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I hear ya!

these products are not economical for a 1000 gallon system.. thats something else in its-self.. that would be expensivce to run..:D

i am happy with my little 300 gallon fish bowl;)
right now I only have a volume of 95 gal, but will be at 150-200 gal this fall. A 30 amp pack would last me about 7 months with my current setup.. lol..

How long is the shelf life of this stuff?
so long as you dont open it.. a very long time we may not be talking years here but long enough
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7185375#post7185375 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
One other thing.. Would I still need to dose DT's if I am dosing the reefbooster?

I use DT oyster eggs to target feed my corals, along with mysis and cyclopeez, i also got a free sample of reef roids.. i have heard that corals really respond well to the product so i will target feed with that stuff as well, i just put them all in a cup mix for a few min and then an hour or so after lights out i get my turkey baster and feed the corals. I also close the drains for the tank and stop my returns to that there is no flow to or from the sump. i do that for about 30-45 min then i open every thing back up.
How is your tank doing on the prodi? I should recieve mine in the next few days. Hopefully it will get rid of my hair algee. LOL
Slacker... I see you are posting pics in other threads, but not keeping yours updated...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7253581#post7253581 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
by the way the stand is up.. here is a pic....

i put a few softies in(doing well) and a few Anemones but they are not doing so hot:rolleyes: :(

Where are the rest ??
lol... sorry about that i know, i know. A-lot has happened in the passed few weeks.. ill post pics below... i recently got some softies... some are doing great and some are not...

i am now starting week 2 of Prodibio as i dosed the biodigest and bio-tipm last night.

Zeo really did a job on my sps so i am taking that really slow..

I added a few new fish to the tank.. a twin spot goby, many banded pipefish, rj pipefish, a fireshrimp, a frogspwn a couple of clams.etc etc etc.. here are some pics you guys know what these things are...


Those are some FAT heps!!!!

I love the shelf rock you have. I think I am going to have to get a couple of those. Nice pics.
buddy...did u glue those sps frags under water? if so, can u give a quick tutorial?

PS. Tank is looking great