Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Hey, put that on video

Hey, put that on video

You should have made a documentary on how you made your tank. I for one would have paid some bucks for it.

gabriel...what are u using to clean the outside of the acrylic panels? i got some adhesive left over from the brown sticker and want to make sure i dont scratch the outside of the panel while removing it.

i'm so anal about scratching it's not even funny!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8133825#post8133825 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by My F1sh R D34D!
My buddy Ev specing the tank.

Ill be going back soon Gabe, so throw on a Diatom filter, and dont feed the fish right when I get there:lol: because I have mad camera skills now.:D

is that the inside of the cabinent door or the outside of it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8322127#post8322127 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooliver
gabriel...what are u using to clean the outside of the acrylic panels? i got some adhesive left over from the brown sticker and want to make sure i dont scratch the outside of the panel while removing it.

i'm so anal about scratching it's not even funny!


i use this stuff.. works great.. i use it with a paper towel.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8322219#post8322219 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by corivus
is that the inside of the cabinent door or the outside of it?

thats the inside.. all doors are open
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8322951#post8322951 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
hey I use that too but not with a paper towel! Isn't your tank acrylic Gabriel?

yup tank is acrylic... the Brillianize really puts a sheen on it... awesome product...
I wouldn't use paper towels then. They are abrasive. You will find over time that they will dull the acrylic. I use those old-school high grade dish towels like my grandma used to use. I can't remember the name of the material, but they are very soft.
Gabriel...i'm loving that bare bottom dude! thanks for the good advice.

how are you cleaning the panels for those hard to reach places? do u use any magnets?
yeah BB is the way to go with an acrylic tank... it really reduces your chance of scratches....

i used a magnet for the 1st week and trashed it after it put a nice sized scratch on my tank.. i dont use them anymore.. for the hard to reach places i use a Kent pro scraper with a plastic blade.. work s really well and does not scratch so long as you take care of the blade... i replace my blade every 4-6 months when i feel that it is no longer smooth and flat.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8373794#post8373794 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooliver
dude...i cant stand to get my hands wet all the time...there's gotta be a way to use a magnet

lol well i only clean my acrylic once a month or so..... and i ahve only used a mag float... there are other magnet cleaners out there.. but i dont recommend leaving them in the tank 24/7 snails get attached to them and you will get an instanst scratch.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8373973#post8373973 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xinumaster
Very nice tank and furniture stand.

Can envision make a tank with white bottom instead of clear acrylic?

I am sure James can do any color acrylic comes in... he is a real nice guy, knows his stuff backwards and fowards...

Above, I recommended the great white magnet, with aquamops inserted between the supposed acrylic safe pad in the inside of the tank. It has to be a strong magnet, because you are adding another layer. It works very well. We also made the edge of the stand come up an extra two inches so there is no chance of the magnet dipping into the sand.