Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9224093#post9224093 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JellyTheory
Wow. Just finished reading this entire thread. Fantastic tank, design, and equipment!

I've got a few quick questions. Sorry to re-ask these if I missed them, (I don't think I did though):

Now that you've removed the Barr skimmer, where are you running your ozone? If it's now going to the Deltec, have you noticed a difference in performance since doing so? Also, from the pictures, it looks like the entire top of the canopy is open. Is there a top you take off when you've taken top down pictures of your lighting? If it is open, is there a reason to do that way instead of having a wood top on it?

I can't wait to see this tank continue to mature.


i no longer run ozone.. i am using zeovit and the 2 can not be used together...

there is no top to my canopy i wanted an open top to allow all heat to exit... i dont/ have no need to run a chiller on this tank...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9230039#post9230039 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by My F1sh R D34D!
Pictures will never do this tank justice. Ive personally seen it many times, taken pictures, but the tank is just to long and deep to capture its true beauty.

He doesnt run ozone anymore, just a nice strong deltec skimmer and zeo.

ahh Sam beat me to it..:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9225275#post9225275 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by edwing206
do you have a recent tank shot?
very very nice tank btw.

Ill take some this weekend... i have added a few new fish to the tank.. 4 to be exact..
it was fine over the summer even with those 20+ days of 100+ degree temps that we had my tank never gets over 82 degrees. The T5's put out almost no heat, so i ran them all day,keeping my mh's off helped alot...

i also have 2 6" fans over my sump and another 2 over the tank...

plus i have central air...:D
That is going to be one awesome looking tank in about a year. I don't think I've seen anyone stock a tank like that so quickly. Have you had any trouble with putting so many things in the tank so fast? Are you going to keep the bare bottom or are you going to put sand in at some point? I may have missed it in your posts....
thanks guys... i have not really had any problems with the tank.. of couse every coral i put in the tank has not survived.. but i dont think anyone can say that...

i dont plan on adding sand as i will eventually add another 2 6200 Tunze streams to the tank some time this year...
I was kinda wondering about the corals that you were putting in seemed like a lot for a tank that hasn't matured any yet...I'm sorry to hear that you have lost so many peices that sucks!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9319217#post9319217 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ziggy953
Not to be a butt about it but loosing anything is major as far as I go!!!

really? you have never lost a single fish or coral since you have started this hobby?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9321053#post9321053 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltyESQ
I have never lost a fish or coral;) ........ ya right.

Me niether .... :mixed:
That isn't what I meant! Of course I have lost live stock. My point was that it IS a big deal no matter how small or insignificant the critter was when I loose something! I wasn't trying to offend.