Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

some zoas



pinapple acro

Orange zoas

bright red zoas(pic sucks)

blue zoas with pink centers

orange zoas with yellow skirts

purple and black zoas
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8835189#post8835189 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
1 chromis( used to be a school of 10 )

What happen to the other 9... I was thinking about a school for my tank...



whole tank MH on

Left side looking in

and my black clowns..

and last one of my favorite acros
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8835417#post8835417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
What happen to the other 9... I was thinking about a school for my tank...

i dont know.. i started finding bodies in the sump.. sometimes just the heads of them.. maybe my triggers got hungry? lol.. i reallly dont know but the school is gone...
Dude, despite how much you've listed I still see clams and such lol.. I get the picture, Its heavily stocked.
I was trying to get an idea on just how much a 300 gal can hold.

Filteration aside I doubt Ill, have mine stocked as heavily for some time. The LFS must love you. I want those Trigger though there cool.
Kinda differnt too dont see them much. I think they got a bad rap people assume they arent reef safe. I guess time will tell. Then again some things are a trade off so its a personal preferance I guess.
Thanks for the info appreciated!


and as far as skimmate goes i honestly i dont get skimmate anymore.. i have since taken the Barr Sk1220 offline and only run the Deltec now.. thanks to Zeo i dont have to worry about overfeeding and such.. as i feed pretty heavy... [/B][/QUOTE]

can you explain the change of skimmate conditions due to the Zeo:confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8836696#post8836696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chainsaw5vent
can you explain the change of skimmate conditions due to the Zeo:confused:

zeo is a beneficial bacteria that breaks down phosphates ammonia nitrates etc before they can "settle" into your tank. (think of it as macro alge on crack) I dose this bacteria "zeo" 3 times a week along with other zeo products. The bacteria is doing such a good job in my tank that it actually breaks down the poop and such before the skimmer can get to it... i do a weekly 25 gallon water change as well.
hi Gabe, do you use Prodibio with zeovit? i've been using zeo for 2 months now but my corals are all brown, i see that you have K+ at 400, people said that is important what you use to test it and what do you dose for it? Thanks.

i tried prodibio but it did nothing for my tank so i stopped after 4 months...

it takes at least 2 months before you start seeing a big difference in your tank( less algea).. if you look at my before pics my tank was taken over by some kind of a turf algea.. it took the zeo 3 months to get rid of that stuff...

the real magic with zeo and SPS corals is Spur2. i have not dosed it yet but thats the product that makes corals POP....
gabe..what kind of anthias is that pink\reddish one that hovers on top? and how long have u had him?


that is a square box( male ).. i also have a female.. had the male for 8 months and the female for 3....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8846847#post8846847 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
that aquascaping is really cool. I love the use of plates.

thanks.. it looks alot better in person ( alot more colors) i need to figure out how to use my Rebel XT
he could careless about her.. they are never together.... if i get more fish it will be some sort of wrasse or another type of anthias....