Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

im in love!!! this is such a great tank!! congrats on it..u should be every proud. and i am sooo jealous of that moorish idol :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9632555#post9632555 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SPS4Life
That set up is insaine. Mad props for you bud.

Thanks... i hope that this tank will really become something to year within the next year or 2...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9633554#post9633554 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cbui2
so hows the morish idol doing

great... there is nothing that he does not it.... and he is a model citizen... never gave me a problem....
That is amazing. Moorish Idols are my favorite fish...I guess this is partly because they are so difficult to keep. This is definitely one of the most beautiful tanks I have yet seen. I dont know about you guys but I think I smell a TOTM in the future!! Any recent FTS please???THANKS
was the goal of this tank to get the most difficult and cool looking fish together into the same tank? LOL

awesome setup, good luck
That is pretty dang cool. Really enjoyed reading about you build your tank. I really love your wooden shell for it.
How are you liking the zeo-vit? I am using Prodi-bio right now, but am thinking about running zeo in my new 220. Any advise, and were is a good place to get zeo from?
i like zeo... i never had good results with Prodibio ( even though i only ran it for 2 months)

the only thing with zeo is that you have to be on top of your water parameters all the time.. if something goes astray your weaker corals will RTN...

i am actually thinking of changing some things on my sump so that i can run ozone and a larger fuge and get off of zeovit.. i will have to play with that over the next few months...

the prices for zeo are all pretty much the same but captiveoceans is usually a little cheaper on shipping....
Do you know where did the "platter" Live Rock in your photos originated? (appears tob e 24" across and 1" thick placed horizontally in your tank) originate?

Phenomonal Tank Congratulations!
heard you had a 300g from alfredo.... had to check it out..awesome job... i have a 12g at work...but im workin on a 45g for home..nothing like what you have....