Garf Purple bonsai (new frag) tiny frag/big pic :)


New member
New frag, it is little but pretty. At the back of the tank and I was too lazy to cut the flow so pic is a little sloppy but color is there. hope you enjoy my newest addition!!! Thanks Atlantis!!!!


Thanks for the responses!

fishypets--fuji f11, macro mode/auto white bal/manual auto focus. Just threw it on the tri-pod and clicked, I have been very happy with it for a tiny point and shoot.

That very well may be the largest frag Garf has ever shipped.

Looks good. Kudos on the black background. I had one years ago, and now I'm stuck with the blue. The black really makes the colors pop.
Maybe I don't know much about cameras but,...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7107467#post7107467 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mntl
manual auto focus

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Seriousally great coral, and I third the choice of background color, my next tank back will be black.

I checked Garf's site but I could never find them. Is there a list or something? Anyone got a link?
black background is the best. plus added 20k metal halides, you can see your coral flouresce with nice colors.
Thanks for the responses!!

It is from atlantis, my reef-club just did a group buy and we got 2, this was the smaller of the two. It is small but as frags of this go the size was very reasonable and both are in good health. This was taken under very white light and still has good color (no actinic). Very cool little frag.
