Gas prices...

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ummm...Jay? I wasn't addressing you.
I totally agree with you though on the need for energy self sufficiency. Do you know that I have actually gone back and forth with "ecoasses" right here in this forum that don't see any advantage to energy independence? I suspect that they were so tied to their ideology that they couldn't admit that drilling for our own oil/natural gas, among some of the other sacrilegious solutions would benefit us in the short term.
i hate you virginiadiver69 i think your name is gay

is there anything you wouldn't sell out so it would be cheaper to go muddin' this weekend?

why do oil companies get some of my paycheck when they clock billions in net profits?

i wrote a poem for you:

i am poor
they are rich
why do they need my money

ecoasses wanted energy independence before anyone and for more noble reasons
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that reserve is a drop in the barrel

all will run out very soon as anyone with the slightest knowledge can tell you

do you seriously not care about your children or their children?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12674532#post12674532 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jankytomato
i hate you virginiadiver69 i think your name is gay

is there anything you wouldn't sell out so it would be cheaper to go muddin' this weekend?

why do oil companies get some of my paycheck when they clock billions in net profits?

i wrote a poem for you:

i am poor
they are rich
why do they need my money

ecoasses wanted energy independence before anyone and for more noble reasons


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Lets not go the path of personal insults and cheating the profanity censors. Both are against the [ua].

My wife just got on the waiting list for a Smart Car . Looks goofy but she test drove one and liked it enough to use it for commuting to/from work. $12k and 55 gph and it has a roll cage so it's pretty safe. That'll let her keep her pathfinder for weekends.
So...jankytomato( that's a really cool name, I mean it ),
You hate me. Wow, what happened to the liberal open mindedness and diversity of viewpoints?
I'm sorry that your poor. I hope you'll be able to provide for your daughter. Maybe your wife could take in neighbors laundry to help make ends meet. If you work hard and you keep your investments properly diversified you may make it some day. You sound like you may still be a little young. If you like...shoot me a private message and I could give you some advice. I'll pray for you. :love2:
As for "muddin'"...I've never tried it. Is it fun? It could be fun for a short period of time. As far as this weekend goes...I'll be heading down to the Bay and spending the afternoon on my Joshua Slocum copy 32' Gaff rigged Schooner after a nice brunch. I need to do a shake down cruise to make sure everything is in good order for a coastal cruise me and my family do to the Keys every year.
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Do we all need a group hug? Lets not get too angry at people we don't actually know.

It's good to see GM realising that not SUV's are not the best solution to save their company. If only they had realised this 10 years ago.

There are a lot of innovations going to filter down to us drivers soon so hopefully we will not have to go hungry so we can drive to work.
I just filled my tank after work today and it came to $73.00. Thats to fill a 19g tank. Gets about 300 miles on a tank. 15.78 mpg. I drive a 2004 GMC Envoy, I love the truck but hate the mileage. I cant wait for the day its paid off and i can sell it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12679980#post12679980 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by virginiadiver69
So...jankytomato( that's a really cool name, I mean it ),
You hate me. Wow, what happened to the liberal open mindedness and diversity of viewpoints?
I'm sorry that your poor. I hope you'll be able to provide for your daughter. Maybe your wife could take in neighbors laundry to help make ends meet. If you work hard and you keep your investments properly diversified you may make it some day. You sound like you may still be a little young. If you like...shoot me a private message and I could give you some advice. I'll pray for you. :love2:
As for "muddin'"...I've never tried it. Is it fun? It could be fun for a short period of time. As far as this weekend goes...I'll be heading down to the Bay and spending the afternoon on my Joshua Slocum copy 32' Gaff rigged Schooner after a nice brunch. I need to do a shake down cruise to make sure everything is in good order for a coastal cruise me and my family do to the Keys every year.

I never said I was a liberal, and I specifically said I do not have any respect for people like you or their veiws, so there goes openmindedness.

The point is not who is rich and who is poor, but that because you do not care about the well being of all and suck the balls of a few, you are a soulless douche.

I find it interesting that you take pride in floating around on your erectile dysfunction pill, showing your family the world you are helping to destroy saying "some of this will be left for you to destroy someday, it will take us generations, but we will do it and show those damned hippies that think they're so cool."
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12682917#post12682917 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jankytomato

I find it interesting that you take pride in floating around on your erectile dysfunction pill, showing your family the world you are helping to destroy saying "some of this will be left for you to destroy someday, it will take us generations, but we will do it and show those damned hippies that think they're so cool."

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12680739#post12680739 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JayB1224
I just filled my tank after work today and it came to $73.00. Thats to fill a 19g tank. Gets about 300 miles on a tank. 15.78 mpg.


I had one of those!! Sold about a year ago, ogt a 2001 Ford Escape, mini SUV, I'm 6 ft 4, so I needed something that would fit me! Anyway, I love it, 5 spd, 4 cyl! Great gas mileage! I fill that thing up and drive around for 2 weeks! It's slow, but who cares! I have a friend who still has his Suburban and he spends $60.00 every 4 days on fuel!! He laughs at my small truck..............until I show him my gas receipt!!:rollface:
Here's two prime examples of inflammatory posts with personal insults thrown in:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12679980#post12679980 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by virginiadiver69
I'm sorry that your poor. I hope you'll be able to provide for your daughter. Maybe your wife could take in neighbors laundry to help make ends meet.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12682917#post12682917 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jankytomato
The point is not who is rich and who is poor, but that because you do not care about the well being of all and suck the balls of a few, you are a soulless douche.

I find it interesting that you take pride in floating around on your erectile dysfunction pill, showing your family the world you are helping to destroy saying "some of this will be left for you to destroy someday, it will take us generations, but we will do it and show those damned hippies that think they're so cool."

Please, let's have no more examples of such posting. Otherwise I need to make some examples of my own, and I really do prefer to have everyone posting instead of having to use the ban button.
That's what the "report this post" link is for ;) Don't rise to the bait, just report the post and let us moderator's deal with it.
I'm a little surprised my concern for his well being was taken as inflammatory. Mr. tomato volunteered his economic situation and I was just encouraging him that it would most likely get better if he worked hard instead of "hating" those that have built a good life for themselves. I have not called any names or descended to political bashing in any manner unlike my good friend who's been rude and vulgar from the very beginning (and ignored by the mods I might add).

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12682917#post12682917 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jankytomato
I specifically said I do not have any respect for people like you or their veiws
Mr. tomato...You don't know me or my views. If you took the time to find out rather than hurl insults from the beginning you might have learned that I actually contributed a large portion of my personal assets doing my part for a clean planet and lead a very energy efficient life. My sin happens to be that I don't worship at the alter of environmentalism or accept the idea that humans and Co2 are significant factors in the ever occurring climate change. Even my recreation ( floating erectile dysfunction pill ) is powered by "renewable" energy via wind. You allude to the world that I'm helping to destroy. Are you not doing your part in the destruction?
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12689315#post12689315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by virginiadiver69
(and ignored by the mods I might add).

If you call chastizing someone for their [ua] violations ignoring them... :rolleyes:

On that note, this thread is done.
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