Gateway Aquatics -> Thursday April 1st, 2010 / Frankie G's


SLASH who you foolin? April fool's Pizza Night Thursday April 1st. No we ain't foolin. Start out at Gateway Aquatics around 6:30 -7ish. Then head across the busy Telegraph Road to Frankie G's for some trash wings, good hamburgers and or chicken sammys. If they are crowded execute plan B "œBravo" will be the other place we hit for our Christmas Party "œPar-tae". More updates to come, as they become available, on a need to know bases, you know. So save the date because of course we ain't foolin"¦ Yo.
My tanks turn two years old on April Fool's Day:D So, if anyone wants to stop by after eating Frankie G's, you are welcome to do so.
does that mean you're gonna clean the glass for me? so smoothdog can school me in pitcher takin. :D
does that mean you're gonna clean the glass for me? so smoothdog can school me in pitcher takin. :D

Yeah, this gives me an excuse to break out the razor blades and get medieval on these tanks:D I am slowly recovering from the wintertime disasters and will risk having folks over to critique them. I also have a fair amount of beer that needs to be drank:beer:
hmmmm I think the kids are on spring break. Would be nice to go out.

Dave got a good stock of whiskey? Or do we need to bring some with us?

A understocked bar is a bad thing.
Going to have to miss this one. :( I don't get back in town until the evening of the 2nd. Have fun guys! Hopefully I can hit the next one.
Well, I will be there:) I am looking forward to some trashed wings! Open invite afterwards if someone wants to see the 2-year system that I have somehow managed to keep going with several ups and down. Currently in a rebuilding stage.
Well, an explanation is needed for why I didn't attend tonight. I had just gotten back from walking the dog and was overcome by a wave of nausea and diaphoresis. I could just barely stand to get showered and then laid down for a bit. Tried eating some crackers and that didn't work. I was feeling pretty shaky and sick and ended up lying in bed for several hours, just got up and still feel nauseated, but much better.

To those that were wanting to stop by my house tonight, I apologize. I was really looking forward to showing off the tanks as I have done a lot of work and cleaning on them this last week.
no worries buddy... let me know when the place smells a little better. I wouldn't mind stopping by and shooting some pics. :D

We ended up hanging out for a while at Crusoes on the patio. I was surprised to see Prater hang out as long as he did.
Good times, some weird conversations and :beer:

Matter a fact the wife and I just got back about half hour ago.