Gateway Aquatics -> Wednesday December 23rd Pizza Night

I say we crash it right and go to Nooks while he's at work and drink all his scotch. Of course, someone is going to need to bring a tranquilzer gun so we can get through the door without being mauled.

:idea: We don't need a tranquilizer gun, we just need someone who runs real slow that Bogie will catch first. Then we can run in the house and barricade the door.
Instead of going to someones house you guys are welcome to stay and clean tanks, do water changes, frag corals, feed the fish , organize the back room , etc,etc,etc ... :fun2::rollface: JK
ill make it tonight. i dont see why the non slash members couldnt come check it out you may run it by rams or nook to double check
The pizza nights are open to anyone who wants to come, you don't have to be a member and there is no pressure to join the club.
I'll see what I can do. Haven't been to gateway in a while, guess I'll check out what they've been holdin
I am SO excited for this pizza night! :bounce1: The dogs, clownfish, and I made it home safely to Farmington and I'm ready to hop back in the car again and head to GWA for some socializing and trashed wings! :)