Gateway Aquatics -> Thursday April 1st, 2010 / Frankie G's

I had a great time. Just got home. Nook, no worries, there is always next time. It was great hanging out late! You guys rock!
Just got the new fishy settled in it's new home. Thanks Chad! :)

What an excellent night for chillin' out on the patio with good company. Playing Frogger was fun too! :lol:

Dave, hope you feel better soon.
no worries buddy... let me know when the place smells a little better. I wouldn't mind stopping by and shooting some pics. :D

We ended up hanging out for a while at Crusoes on the patio. I was surprised to see Prater hang out as long as he did.
Good times, some weird conversations and :beer:

Matter a fact the wife and I just got back about half hour ago.

we had a few people at work that came down pretty quick with some kind of flu,
so i had to work 16 hours shift yesterday to cover for one:sad2:
You mean to tell me that it was a beautiful 80 deg. day out and suddenly people were sick!? Shocking!!!:lol: